  • 學位論文


Design and Control of Process for Glycerol Utilization to Produce 1,3-Propanediol

指導教授 : 錢義隆


由於近年來生質柴油大量生產,使得發展其副產物甘油的再利用製程越來越受到重視,而本研究探討其中的一種甘油應用,並使用Aspen Plus與Aspen Custom Modeler進行甘油之生物催化反應生成1,3-丙二醇(1,3- Propanediol)之反應模擬與分離。 1,3-丙二醇可用於多種藥物、新型聚脂PTT(polytrimethylene-tereph-thalate)、抗氧劑的合成、抗凍劑、溶劑、化妝品以及塗料等。本研究使用Aspen Custom Modeler來創建生物反應器以及離心分離機,並使用Aspen Plus來模擬整場程序,此程序包括了多個蒸餾塔的分離、反應萃取塔以及反應蒸餾塔,並以最低年度總成本(TAC)為目標完成最適化設計。接著使用Aspen Dynamic進行動態模擬,探討各根蒸餾塔與反應蒸餾塔之溫度控制與整場控制策略,然後加入進料流量擾動觀察系統控制策略之可行性。


甘油 1,3-丙二醇 設計 控制 反應萃取


In recent year, mass production of biodiesel making the development of its byproduct glycerol utilization process more and more attention. One of the utilization of glycerol is to produce 1,3-propanediol. We use Aspen Plus and Aspen Custom Modeler to do the simulation work of the process. 1,3-propandiol can be used as PTT(polytrimethylene-tereph-thalate), antioxygen, antifreeze, solvent, cosmetic and coating material. We use Aspen Custom modeler to create fermentor and centrifuge, and use Aspen Plus to simulate the overall process. This process includes many units like distillation column, reactive extraction columns, reactive distillation column. We determined the optimized design by the least total annual cost. After the steady state simulation finished, we discuss about the control strategy. Finally, the control strategy will be tested to see whether it can eliminate the disturbances in the system.


Glycerol 1,3-Propanediol design control reactive extraction


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