  • 學位論文


Manipulation of Photonic Quantum Anomalous Hall Phase in a Square Lattice of Magneto-optical Rods

指導教授 : 郭光宇




In this thesis, we use the finite element method to investigate whether there is a chiral edge state protected by the property of topology after adding a magneto-optical medium into a photonic crystal. We analyze the band structure of this system. We discover that there will be a chiral edge state during the frequency is set at the range from 512 THz to 534 THz. Furthermore, we use a line source as a stimulation of the chiral edge state and a perfect electric conductor as an obstacle to demonstrate the property of circumventing the obstacle at 516 THz. We also change the square-lattice rod’s permittivity and radius to generate a band inversion in different eigenmode respectively. We find that the Berry curvature will change under the band inversion by calculating the Chern number and the Berry curvature distribution. However, the photonic quantum anomalous Hall phase for our system remains the same.


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