  • 學位論文


Community structure of demersal fishes from continental shelf to lower continental slope around Taiwan

指導教授 : 蕭仁傑
共同指導教授 : 魏志潾


此論文以 PRIMER6 & PERMANOVA+所提供的群聚分析法,研究臺灣周遭海域的底棲魚類群聚特性,使用的資料為2000年至2014年間於深度10 m至3580 m的底拖調查數據─共888種魚種於196個測站。群集分析 (cluster)與多元尺度分析 (MDS)結果顯示整體魚類群聚隨深度逐漸改變,深度200 m以淺群聚主要分為西部與東北–西南兩群,而西部海域又可分為數群 (SIMPROF test; p < 0.05),並隨深度越深不同海域間 (東北及西南海域)魚類群聚的差異雖然顯著 (p < 0.01)但隨深度越深而越小,RELATE結果顯示魚類群聚與深度呈顯著中度相關 (Rho = 0.513; p < 0.01)。DISTLM分析結果顯示,200 m以淺的群聚與深度、溫度、地形崎嶇度度、表層平均初級生產力,以及顆粒有機碳通量呈顯著相關,而出現次數較高的魚類 (日本緋鯉、鱷蛇鯔、扁 )呈現類似南北分群的現象,分界位置大約位於澎湖群島地區;深度201 – 1000 m的群聚與深度、地形崎嶇度、表層平均初級生產力、表層平均初級生產力季節性變化,以及顆粒有機碳通量呈顯著相關,而出現次數較高的魚類 (小鰭新燈魚、多斑新鼬魚與合鰓鰻)在西南海域以底棲性魚類 (鼠尾鱈科:Macrouridae)為主,東北海域除了底棲性魚類外,也有大洋垂直洄游性魚類 (燈籠魚科:Myctophidae)的出現,推測可能與長年存在的湧升流,使得浮游動物量增加,最終反映在東北海域魚類群聚組成上;深度超過1000 m的群聚與深度、溫度、地形崎嶇度、表層平均初級生產力、表層平均初級生產力季節性變化,以及顆粒有機碳通量呈顯著,但是主要以顆粒有機碳與地形的解釋力較高,出現次數較高的魚類以鑽光魚科 (Gonostomatidae)魚類為主。整體臺灣周遭的底棲魚類群聚主要受深度所影響外,還會受到其他環境因子 (水團、溫度、初級生產力)影響,甚至是小尺度的環境因子也可能會對魚類群聚造成影響 (底質、地形)。


Community structure of demersal fish around Taiwan were examined from bottom trawl surveys between 2000 and 2014. A total of 888 fish species were recorded from 196 sampling sites extending from 10 to 2580-m depth and spanning the northeast (NE) and southwest (SW) shelves and slopes, as well as the western (W) shelf off the island of Taiwan. Cluster analysis and multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) show that the fish fauna changes were gradual and continum along the depth gradient. On the continental shelf, the demersal fish can be separated into W and NE-SW assemblages, with the W assemblage being further divided into several significant subgroups. Along the shelves and slopes, the fish assemblage compositions were significantly different between the NE and SW regions, but the difference became smaller with depths.The assemblage composition was significantly correlated with depth, temperature, roughness, mean primary production and particlulate organic carbon flux (POC flux) on the shelves, where the Lizardfish (Saurida wanieso) most frequently occurred on the shelf north of the Penghu island and Dragonet (Callionymus planus) characterized (by occurrence) the shelf south of the Penghu island. At upper bathyal depths (201 – 1000 m), the assemblage composition was significantly correlated with depth, roughness, mean primary production, seasonal variation of mean primary production and POC flux. The SW upper bathyal zone was characterized by demersal rattail fish (macrouridae) but the NE characterized by mesoplagic lantem fish (myctophidae). The frequent occurrence of lantemfish fish in the NE upper bathyal zone is presumably related to upwelling and abundant zooplankton in the region, in which the environmental conditions may favor the lantemfish with strong vertical-migration ability to optimize their foraging strategy. At the lower bathyal depths (>1000 m), the assemblage composition was siginificantly correlated with depth, temperature, roughness, mean primary production, seasonal variation of primary production and POC flux; however, delining food supplies and the bottom terrain characteristic appears to be the main controls of the assemblage composition. The brislemouths (gonostomatidae) were the most frequently occurred fish species, suggesting that the habitats lokely become more similar between the NE and SW lower bathyal zones. In conclusion, the delineation of demersal fish assemblages off Taiwan were influenced by large-scale environmental forcing (e.g. depth and water masses) but the small-scale habitat heterogeneity may also contribute to small-scale regional variations (e.g. bottom type and terrain roughness).


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