  • 學位論文


A Study of Happiness in the Analects and Mencius

指導教授 : 傅佩榮


全文分為三篇,第一篇談論的是作為音樂的「樂」,第二篇為作為內在狀態的「樂」,第三篇為餘論,談論「樂」在美學和倫理學中怎麼被討論和放在什麼位置討論。   第一篇談論的禮樂之樂共分為五章,從談論「樂」的產生和作用開始,接著就談到「樂」的影響和這個影響與發生的預設,分別是第一章的「成於樂」和第二章的「樂主和」,以一個樂教的想法出發來談論,隨著對「樂」的根本「仁」的揭發,找尋整個內在的基礎-「血氣論」,並且進而討論孟子的「志-氣」問題,這裡已經找到了樂教的整個源頭和關係的範圍,並且也找到問題的線路。   第二篇談論的是「快樂」或是「開心」的「樂」,共分為兩章,其中第一章主要討論孟子的君子三樂,第二章則討論《論語》裡的「樂」。筆者由第一章的討論發現,其中談論「得天下英才教育之」的「樂」在孟子會得出其對詞語或概念的重要定義(善、美等),另一方面則會看出對這個「樂」的研究必須預設巫的傳統和對「閒暇」(leisure)的了解,這是由孔子對學生的稱讚得來的。其中巫的傳統的提出不僅是對孔子的身世的了解,也是整個文化與社會當時的基礎之一,另外也同時表示出對於作為音樂的「樂」與作為內在狀態的「樂」的連結,因為所有的東西都由巫來掌管,也都由巫來承受天所給予的所有與施與所有,但同時巫也代表一種理想,這種理想表現在「閒暇」裡,後來作為一種境界的談論,表現出來的就是這個「樂學」的傳統。   第三篇的餘論裡主要是分為兩章,第一章討論「樂」(作為音樂和快樂)放在美學討論的哪個位置,這個位置在作為音樂時放在作用上,作為快樂時放在境界上,整個系統根據的是傅佩榮先生的文章,並搭配康德的美學作為整個現代美學談論的一個新詮釋,並且由這個討論使筆者整個多線的考古學討論能進到系統裡。第二章主要討論的是作為內在狀態的「樂」其在倫理學討論的位置,筆者採用的是亞里斯多德的倫理學,並將它跟「幸福」概念作討論,發現「樂」在整個倫理學系統裡的地位有如「幸福」在亞里斯多德系統裡的地位,作為目的和作為至高的德性表現來看,同時也作為整個倫理學的開端問題與核心問題。


「樂」 論語 孟子 音樂 快樂 閒暇 美學 幸福


A Study of Happiness in the Analects and Mencius Abstract This thesis has three chapters. Chapter One concerns yue (樂) as music, the second discusses le (樂) as happiness, and the last one examines how le (樂) can have implications for ethics and aesthetics. Chapter One has five sections. In section one, I discuss the meaning of “fulfillment in playing music”(成於樂), focusing on the relationship of “fulfillment”(成) and music (樂). Then, I discuss “harmony”(和) as the main impact of music. According to this conception of the spirit of music, I view “ren”(仁) from the ground of music; it’s deeper meaning may lie implicit in “the theory of blood and qi”(血氣論). The last section discusses the problem of will (志)-qi (氣) in Mencius. I examine le (樂) as happiness in Chapter Two, in two sections. In section one, I use Mencius’ “the three main happinesses of the superior man “(君子三樂) as the framework; Section two discusses “happiness” in the Analects. In the first section, I elaborate on the social and historical ground of happiness. The ground of happiness is found in “leisure” and the tradition of witch (巫). As a foundation reference confirming my view is the interpretation history of, “I give my approval to Dian”(吾與點也) in the Analects. In the section two, I discuss the context of yue and le (樂) in the Analects, building on cues from the discussion in Chapter One. Chapter Three divides into three sections. The first one concerns the construction and position of le and yue (樂) in aesthetics, in light of professor Fu’s article and Kant’s aesthetics. Section two focuses on ethics. I use Aristotle’s eudaimonia as a foil to le (樂), as both form core concepts in the respective systems of ethics. Section three concludes the thesis. Key Words: le (樂); yue (樂); the Analects; the Mencius; music; happiness; witch(巫); leisure; aesthetics; eudaimonia


le (樂) yue (樂) the Analects the Mencius music happiness witch(巫) leisure aesthetics eudaimonia




