  • 學位論文


The Limit of Government Embedded TV Advertising

指導教授 : 陳淳文


在我國,置入性行銷自2003年開始成為熱門的爭議議題。有學者認為置入性行銷會破壞媒體自主權、傷害第四權功能,並有欺騙閱聽眾嫌疑;但亦有學者認為置入性行銷僅為較新行銷手法,不必將之視為洪水猛獸。而依據置入性行銷之本質,可將其定義為:「廣告主以付費或付出相當代價的方式,設法將欲傳達之訊息以直接、間接手法,自然巧妙地置於媒體文本中,運用低涉入感影響閱聽眾,進而達到行銷之目的。」 置入性行銷可簡單分為政府置入與商業置入。政府置入性行銷受到之批評較商業置入為大,其主要理由有三:政府擁有龐大的預算,可能收買所有媒體言論;政府預算來自於人民納稅;尚未制定預算法第六十二之一條前,政府僅對商業置入做出裁罰,形成不公平現象。而我國於2011年初,因應輿論壓力,通過預算法第六十二之一條,禁止政府置入性行銷。 本文認為置入性行銷本身並無對錯,若要解決政府置入流弊,可採取相關配套措施。藉由比照我國與英、美三國規定後,本文認為我國對政府置入可採取「有限度開放」方式。以「全面禁止隱匿性置入性行銷」解決閱聽眾可能受欺騙之問題;「禁止促進政黨、機關首長與政治人物利益之政治性宣傳與置入」解決以公有財產促進私人利益之流弊;以「預算總額與政策宣傳許可限制」解決政府壟斷媒體言論市場的可能。如此一來,行政機關便可憑專業判斷,決定是否及如何採用置入宣傳,政府資源運用也能更有效率。


Embedded advertising has become a critical issue in Taiwan since 2003. Some scholars believe that embedded advertising will destroy the autonomy of media, hurt the functions of mass media, and might cheat the audiences. However, some scholars believe that embedded advertising is nothing but a newer marketing approach. This thesis simply defines embedded advertising as “Advertisers pay a considerable price to mass media in order to convey some specific advertising message to the audiences.” The advertisers may use both direct and indirect techniques to convey the messages, try to make the audiences believe or obey the advertisements. We can distinguish embedded advertising into government embedded advertising and commercial embedded advertising. Some researchers believe that the problems made by government embedded advertising are more serious than commercial embedded advertising. It is because governments tend to use the huge budget to manipulate the opinions through mass media, and most of the governments’ budget is from tax. However, the governments only prohibited commercial embedded advertising before 2010. In fact, there is no right or wrong about embedded advertising itself. We can take some complementary measures to solve the problems. First, we can prohibit “stealthy advertising and covert propaganda” to avoid cheating audiences. Second, we can prohibit the propaganda of “promoting the interests of a party, government officials, and politicians for a political purpose” to prevent some of the advertisers from using public property to improve their self-interests. Third, we can set a limit of government propaganda budget and authorize the congress to review which policy can be publicized. As a result, government can use embedded advertising to promote the policy efficiency and effectiveness.


