  • 學位論文


Study and Application of Phthalocyanato Ruthenium Dye for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells

指導教授 : 林俊彬
共同指導教授 : 陳兆勛


本研究的主要目的是探討染料共敏化現象在染料敏化太陽能電池中的影響。 以DSSC而言,光電轉換效率取決於染料可吸收的光波長範圍以及電子轉移速率。一般DSSC使用的染料主要光吸收範圍約在400nm-600nm,在紅光區的吸收表現已呈疲態。因此本研究欲利用混摻染料以達到延伸吸收光波長範圍,進而提昇DSSC的效率。 實驗上合成主要吸收波段為紅光區的酞花青染料bis(4-carboxypyridine)- (phthalocyanainato) ruthenium(II)以及選用了常見的聯吡啶釕錯合物染料N719(cis-di(thiocyanato)-bis(2,2'-bipyridyl -4,4'-dicarboxylic acid)-ruthenium(II))以及,混摻製作共敏化DSSC。 以合成的酞花青染料(bis(4-carboxypyridine)-(phthalocyanainato) ruthenium(II) 與市售之N719作混摻後,發現成功提升了約為原來混摻前效率的10%,


The main purpose of this research is to study co-sensitization in the dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) . For DSSC, photon-to-electron conversion efficiency is depending on the dye absorption spectrum and the shifting rate of electron from dye to electrode. The absorption UV-vis spectrum of dyes in DSSC is generally in 400nm-600nm region ,but it is weak beyond 600nm.Therefore ,in this study we blend dyes in order to extend the range of light absorption and improve the efficiency of DSSC further. The common phthalcyano ruthenium complex, bis(4-carboxypyridine) -(phthalocyanainato) ruthenium(II) in near IR region are chosen to fabricate co-sensitized DSSC .ruthenuim complex, N719 (cis-di(thiocyanato)-bis(2,2'-bipyridyl -4,4'-dicarboxylic acid)-ruthenium(II)) in blue light region, and We want to extend light absorption and improve efficientcy by this process. The results reveal that the energy band of N719 and bis(4-carboxypyridine) -(phthalocyanainato) ruthenium(II) can macth well.So the efficiency of DSSCs is enhancing near 10%.


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