  • 學位論文


Structural and Functional Studies of CRN-5 and Rrp46 in Apoptotic DNA Degradation

指導教授 : 袁小琀


Rrp46 原本是真核生物外切體(exosme)的組成蛋白之ㄧ;外切體複合物(exosome complex) 是一參與核醣核酸分解的重要的核醣核酸外切酶(exoribonuclease),可從單股的核醣核酸之3'端往5'端逐一進行分解作用,同時調控細胞內各種核醣核酸的生成與降解,此功能維繫了細胞活性的正常。因此,Rrp46 也是組成外切體複合物及維持細胞正常生長所必需。 在蛋白質分類上,Rrp46 屬於RNase PH 外切酶家族。此類核醣核酸分解酵素(RNase),廣泛保留在從原核生物(prokaryotes)到真核生物(eukaryotes)的各類生物體中,包括細菌、古代菌(archaea)、酵母菌,乃至於植物與人類。在線蟲(C.elegans)當中,CRN-5 是Rrp46 的同源蛋白質(homologue);被發現可能另外當作細胞凋亡(apoptosis)時,參與分解染色體去氧核醣核酸(chromosomal DNA)的新功能。本篇論文即結合了生化分析、生物物理及蛋白質晶體結構等方法,來探討Rrp46 及CRN-5 降解DNA 及RNA 時的生化特性及生理功能,為此類RNase PH外切酶的新功能提出更有利的佐証。 在此篇論文中,我們提出了CRN-5 以及稻米Rrp46 (oRrp46)的蛋白質晶體結構,它們的最高解析度分別是3.9 Å 及2.0 Å。經由分析三個不同物種(人類、稻米及線蟲)的Rrp46 重組蛋白質發現,它們以二具體(homodimer)的形式存在於體外。除了已知與外切體複合物結合外,我們也首次觀察到此二具體形式的Rrp46亦同時存在人類與稻米細胞環境中。由生化生析的結果,發現稻米二具體oRrp46重組蛋白質除了具有磷酸分解(phosphorolysis)RNA 的活性外,更首次發現能水解(hydrolysis)DNA 的生化活性;人類的hRrp46 及線蟲的CRN-5 蛋白則只具有結合DNA,而不具分解DNA 的活性。藉由蛋白質晶體結構與突變技術,我們分析稻米oRrp46 活性區域以及受質結合區裡的重要胺基酸殘基所扮演的角色。發現E160Q 的突變會明顯抑制稻米oRrp46 的DNA 水解活性,對分解RNA 的影響則有限;但是K75E/Q76E 的突變,則同時抑制了稻米oRrp46 對DNA 及RNA 的結合與分解。CRN-5 本身雖沒有DNA 分解活性,但經實驗確認,它能與另一個細胞凋亡核酸水解酶 (apoptotic nuclease) CRN-4 有直接的結合作用,並且增強CRN-4 的DNA 水解活性。推測了這兩個蛋白質可能在細胞凋亡時分解DNA 有協同作用。 綜合以上強力的研究證據,我們推測Rrp46 蛋白質會穩定形成外切體複合物以外的二具體;此二具體可能依照不同的物種,或直接扮演有活性的組成份,或扮演結構性組成份,參與細胞凋亡時分解DNA 的重要生理機制。


Rrp46 was first identified as a protein component of the eukaryotic exosome, a protein complex involved in 3' processing of RNA during RNA turnover and surveillance. The C. elegans Rrp46 homologue, CRN-5, was subsequently characterized as a cell death-related nuclease, participating in DNA fragmentation during apoptosis. Rrp46/CRN-5 has a conserved RNase PH domain, usually identified in 3'-to-5' exoribonucleases. To determine how an RNase PH protein could bind and digest DNA during apoptosis, we combined biochemical, biophysical and crystal structural approaches to study Rrp46/CRN-5 from various specises, including human, rice and C. elegans. We have determined the crystal structures of CRN-5 and rice Rrp46 (oRrp46) at a resolution of 3.9 Å and 2.0 Å, respectively. We found that recombinant human Rrp46 (hRrp46), oRrp46, and CRN-5 are homodimers, and that endogenous hRrp46 and oRrp46 also form homodimers in a cellular environment, in addition to their association with a protein complex. Dimeric oRrp46 had both phosphorolytic RNase and hydrolytic DNase activities, whereas hRrp46 and CRN-5 bound to DNA without detectable nuclease activity. Site-directed mutagenesis in oRrp46 abolished either its DNase (E160Q) or RNase (K75E/Q76E) activities, confirming the critical importance of these residues in catalysis or substrate binding. Moreover, CRN-5 directly interacted with the apoptotic nuclease CRN-4, and enhanced the DNase activity of CRN-4, suggesting that CRN-5 cooperates with CRN-4 in apoptotic DNA degradation. Taken together all these results strongly suggest that Rrp46 forms a homodimer separately from exosome complexes and, depending on species, is either a structural or catalytic component of the machinery that cleaves DNA during apoptosis.


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