  • 學位論文


A Study on The Condition Index of Visual Inspection for Taiwan Bridges

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


臺灣橋梁於1970年至1990年為興建最高峰。近年來,橋梁需求漸趨飽和,新建橋梁的數量已逐漸下降,總觀整體,臺灣橋齡平均約20年,因此緊接著浮上檯面的是橋梁面臨屆齡、高齡、甚至超齡的問題,大部分橋梁多已接近或超越設計年限,老劣化問題備受關注。若欲維持橋梁運作機能、延長使用年限,維護與整修是未來不可或缺的重要環節。   然而,橋梁維護有其先後順序之篩選機制,經由專家訪談瞭解橋梁維護以橋梁整體構件狀況指標(Condition Index, CI)為首要依據,透過橋梁是否維修之初步篩選後,再進入承載力及耐震評估等程序。因此,橋梁整體構件狀況指標(CI)具有舉足輕重的地位,亦要能適當地表示橋梁現況之功能。但據本研究分析,結果並非如此,橋梁整體構件狀況指標(CI)數值過於集中,造成橋梁維修初步篩選上的困難,且與橋齡間的關係曲線甚為平緩,實難以藉由橋梁整體構件狀況指標(CI)傳達橋梁現況。   為解決橋梁整體構件狀況指標(CI)在計算上僅當D、E、R其中任一項為零時,即造成整體分數的提升而掩蓋橋梁實際劣化的嚴重性;或是採平均計算方式當作該構件狀況值等諸如此不周詳之處,本研究欲透過修正橋梁狀況評估指標(CI)原有的計算公式,提出新橋梁整體構件狀況指標(New Condition Index, NCI)。   藉由重新計算各座橋梁之新橋梁整體構件狀況指標(NCI),拉開各座橋梁目視檢測後的整體構件狀況指標數值,有助於橋梁維護選擇過程之初步篩選,並描繪出橋齡與新橋梁整體構件狀況指標(NCI)之關係曲線,指出橋梁須大規模維修的時間點,不僅強化一般橋梁目視檢測結果之價值,亦使橋梁管理系統更具完善。


Taiwan's bridges construction experienced its peak from 1970 to 1990. In recent years, the demand for bridges has decreased resulting in fewer new bridges constructed. In general, the average age of Taiwan's bridges is about 20 years. Therefore, most bridges are reaching or already over their design limitation. Currently, the focus is on the deterioration rate of bridges. However, essential preventive and maintenance strategies for bridges will become an important issue in the future. In addition, visual inspections are not very objective and sometimes results in different assessments. Varying assessments may lead to improper prioritization of corrective action. The Condition Index (CI) is the most important basis in bridges maintenance and plays a decisive role. However, this research analysis has come to a different conclusion. The Condition Index (CI) scores of bridges are too close to show the current status of bridges. This paper attempts to formulate a new calculation formula into the Bridges Management System (BMS) in Taiwan. The goal of this paper is to utilize existing site survey data to determine a performance trend. The paper will modify the formula of Condition Index (CI) to propose New Condition Index (NCI). It is the intention of this research to process the raw inspection data in hopes that the results can provide valuable bridges maintenance information. The new formula will not only enhance the value of the results from visual inspections of general bridges but also improve the bridges management system to make it more perfect.


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