  • 學位論文


Assessment of the benefits of micro-agri loans: evidence from Bangladesh

指導教授 : 王泓仁 陳南光


本研究探討孟加拉微型金融機構的農業貸款對農業家庭的影響。農業貸款理應用在農業用途,而使得農業家庭的生活品質由此提高。因此 ,農業貸款的效果分析至關重要。 我們以四種傾向評分匹配 (Propensity Score Matching) 技術進行實證分析,結果顯示,農業貸款有被善加利用在農業用途上。有農業貸款的農業家庭的勞動生產率、家庭人均農業自雇收入、家庭人均消費都有顯著提高。而有農業貸款的農業家庭的農業工資收入則下降。這顯示農業貸款也有助於鼓勵農業家庭自主創業,成為自僱農民。


In this paper, we assess the effectiveness of micro-agri loans on agricultural outcomes of agricultural households in Bangladesh. Micro-agri loans refer to agricultural loans provided by microfinance institutions and they are supposed to be used for agricultural purposes. It is therefore vital to see whether these micro-agri loans have benefited agricultural households. With the four different types of propensity score matching (PSM) techniques, our empirical results show that these agricultural loans are put into good use to improve agricultural outcomes of agricultural households. As a result of borrowing micro-agri loans, agricultural households enjoy higher total production value of crops, higher labor productivity, higher consumption expenditure per capita, higher agricultural self-employed income per capita, but lower agricultural employment income per capita. This shows that micro-agri loans also encourage agricultural households to be more self-employed in their agricultural production activities.


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