  • 學位論文


Business Model Changed Study for Taiwan Mobile Music Industry

指導教授 : 黃崇興 博士
共同指導教授 : 陳俊忠博士


由於數位科技、網路科技、傳輸技術不斷地開發與提升,音樂產業自1999 年起開始逐漸由實體通路轉向數位通路,而近年來數位音樂產業的急速成長,似乎正式昭告音樂產業另一個世代的來臨。在全球市場的行動音樂產值不斷成長情況中,台灣的行動音樂服務產業之相關業者也全力提升服務品質與營收,希望以最佳之營運模式在這波潮流下獲取最大商機。在強大競爭壓力下,台灣原始的行動音樂內容整合商,生命周期由盛而衰也才不過是五年、六年的光景,除非能重組企業活動體系,找出利基市場,創新商業模式,吸引新的消費族群或提供新產品功能或服務,否則難擺脫衰退或被淘汰的命運。 本研究從行動音樂服務產業的過去發展與現況,針對整個產業為個案主題,研究其營運模式的變遷對整個產業競爭及產業發展的影響,透過五力分析、價值鏈分析、資源理論、動態競爭等理論的文獻探討與架構,以個案研究法分析推論出行動音樂服務產業的影響各階段之營運模式變遷的重要因素與策略價值,並對其未來發展提出三點結論與未來研究方向建議。 整合是競爭優勢與持久的推力,研究結果顯示,電信業者向上整合唱片業以與原有能力互補成第六力,進而以行動音樂服務當做利基市場,運用核心優勢與資源重塑價值鏈,並以大量的行銷與通路資源,統整價值鏈上的衝突,藉以增加其電信加值營收。相對站在兩大巨人電信業與唱片業中間的行動音樂內容整合商,因科技創新速度的加快,讓產品生命週期與設計週期都縮短了,而產業動態競爭之激烈促成競爭生態的改變。卻因本身無持久之競爭優勢與核心能力來抵擋此競爭生態變遷,而面臨策略創新或多角化挑戰,希望能找到利基市場或創新模式重新定位市場。 行動音樂服務產業的變遷案例,也可讓後續研究者可收集更多案例探討說明科技機會對改變一個產業或公司營運模式之影響。


Transmission technology continues to develop and upgrade due to the digital technology, internet technology invention. And music industry gradually switch from retailer channel to digital channel since 1999. It seems announce that music industry is facing another age coming because of the fast growing of digital music these years. Mobile music market value also keep fast growing in the global market, so Taiwan mobile music industry keen to upgrade service quality and revenue to catch the best benefit and most profit with the best business and operation model. Taiwan originally mobile music service provider or content aggregator business life cycle just only for 5 to 6 years under the fiercely competition. Unless these service providers or content providers can re-organize enterprise business activity to find out the niche market or find out new business model and provide new product service to attract new customers. Otherwise, they will be eliminated through competition. This thesis investigates the business and operation model change from the beginning development of mobile music to current market status through the frame work of porter five force, valued chain, resource base model and dynamic competition etc. Base on the case study of the industry to inference what is the important impact and strategic value of business and operation model change in each stage, the three conclusions are made by the case study industry. Integration is the thrust of competitive advantage, thesis result show that telecom operators integrate music record company to complementary its own capability as the sixth force. Targeting mobile music service as niche market and make use of core competence and resource to re-build valued chain to grow value add service revenue through the resource of marketing and channel. In regard with mobile music content aggregators who stand between mobile operators and music record company, they are lack of sustainable competitive advantage to resist the environment change because of the speed of technology innovative to make shorter of product and design lifecycle. So mobile music content aggregators are facing challenge and need to re-position to find out new niche market. The case study of business and operation model change of mobile music industry also let the later researcher can collect more case study to investigate that a technology opportunity how to impact the industry or business model.


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