  • 學位論文

物流利基化與供應鏈服務推動之探討 -以立盟海空運為例

Analysis of Logistics Niche and Supply Chain Sevices - A Case Study of Leader Mutual Company

指導教授 : 陸洛教授


台灣產業一向以提供優異的製造能力著稱,然隨著國際及兩岸經貿環境的變遷,取而代之為服務業的成長,其中物流業則扮演上下游產業之間關鍵支援角色,對於企業追求顧客滿意及成本降低有關鍵性的影響。本研究則針對台灣經營航材之物流業者如何發展整合資訊平臺,發揮整合物流並取得利基競爭優勢,整理研究目的如下: 1、 目前經營航材業務之物流產業及相關業者之發展現況為何。 2、 業者如何在激烈競爭環境中建立利基化物流及供應鏈服務。 3、 業者如何藉由結合資訊平臺建立藍海策略以取得獨特競爭優勢。 經過相關文獻資料探討及個案深入分析探討,有以下幾個重要研究發現: 1. 國際型物流業者通常因應大者恆大之趨勢,並作全球性之整合 2. 國際型物流業者將彙整不同資源,提供完整解決方案 3. 相關業者得發展供應鏈管理服務,並培養己身獨特之核心競爭力 故未來物流業者得持續加強資訊E化程度,來提升整體物流整合服務能力,避免落入同質性高及惡性價值競爭的紅海市場,進而達成物流利基化、大型化及國際化的目標,進入真正的藍海市場。


Taiwan has always been renowned for its excellent manufacturing capabilities. In recent years, the manufacturing sector has had to respond to changes resulting from the transformation of global and cross-strait economic and trade environments. For example, the service sector has become increasingly important, and the logistics industry, now a key player in the upstream and downstream industries, has great influence on customer satisfaction and operating costs. This paper explores how the aircraft materials logistics industry can gain competitive advantage by developing an information integration platform. The key points of discussion are: 1. What is the current status of the aircraft materials logistics industry? What are the opportunities for development? 2. How can logistics enterprises enter a niche market and provide good supply chain services in a competitive environment? 3. How can logistics enterprises use an information integration platform to develop a Blue Ocean Strategy and achieve a unique competitive advantage? After reading relevant literature and conducting a case study of Leader Mutual Company, the authors of this paper discusses several important findings: 1. In general, international logistics enterprises should set a goal for growth and global integration. 2. International logistics enterprises should combine various resources to provide holistic solutions. 3. Related enterprises should focus on developing their own supply chain management and strengthening their unique core competencies. This paper states that the logistics industry should continue to develop its information integration capabilities to improve the overall capacity of integrated logistics services; avoid blending into the high homogeneity of the Red Sea market competition; and seek to enter niche markets to enter the Blue Ocean market.


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