  • 學位論文


The Factors of Differences between Announced Land Current Value and Market Prices-the Luzhu District Case

指導教授 : 許耀文


本研究希望能找出,除了公告土地現值以外的變數,將之納入迴歸方程式中,得到一條能更有效反映市場價格的公式,提供給交易的雙方,一個更貼近市場的參考價格,也期許地政機關能藉此研究的結論,改良現行評估公告土地現值的方式,使整個房地產的交易能更加透明和效率。 經本研究實證結果發現,公告土地現值還是最顯著影響市場價格的變數,而筆者納入評估的變數一定程度的都被公告現值所解釋,導致統計結果並不顯著,雖然內政部地政司有公布公告土地現值的評量表以及影響權重,但地價人員實際是如何測量和估算的卻無從得知,因此導致本研究的結果並不如預期。


In this study, I hope to include some factors in addition to the announced land current value in the regression equation to get a formula which more effectively reflects the market price of real estate and provides a more accurate price for both parties who make the transaction. Besides, I expect the Land Office to improve the current way of making an announced land current value assessment with the insights offered by this study and make the real-estate transaction more transparent and efficient. On the basis of empirical results of this study, the announced land current value is still the most significant variable that influences the market price. Those variables proposed to be added by the author are to some extent explained by the announced land current value variable and thus most of them are not significant. Though the assessment standard and the weights of all factors are announced publicly by the Department of Land Administration, we still cannot know how those appraisers measure and estimate exactly anyway by land-value personnel, which leads the results provided by this study are not as expected.


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