  • 學位論文

民間融資提案(Private Finance Initiative)導入低自償性公共工程之研究-以社會住宅為例

Applying Private Finance Initiative (PFI) in low self-liquidation public construction projects: Taking social housing as an example

指導教授 : 陳柏翰


社會住宅屬低自償性之公共建設,一般以政府自辦方式辦理。政府自辦不但限制了民間參與公共建設之機會,亦形成政府沉重的財政負擔。而在英國、日本、澳大利亞等國,低自償性公共工程多採用民間融資提案方式(PFI)辦理。該模式在公共服務領域引入了市場競爭機制和私人部門的專業技能,使得公共部門更加"物有所值"地提供公共服務。 本研究藉由文獻探討英國、日本PFI制度,結合目前台灣民間參與公共建設之環境,建立可用於台灣本土之PFI計畫評估標準作業流程與VfM財務試算模型,並以政府興辦社會住宅為例,進行案例試算分析,期能作為未來政府部門推動民間參與低自償性公共建案之參考。


Public social housing projects are low self-liquidating and mostly run by the government. This not only limits opportunities for private participation, but also lays heavy financial burden for government treasury. In United Kingdom, Japan and Australia, low self-liquidating public social housing projects were carried out by means of Private Finance Initiative (PFI). With PFI, the private sector can provide professional services and hence increase market competition. This mechanism improves Value for Money (VfM) for public infrastructure projects. This thesis studies the differences between the British and Japanese PFI mechanisms, and Taiwan’s current public private partnership environment, and explores the “Value for Money (VfM)” quantitative analysis model for the evaluation of PFI projects. Real social housing projects in Taipei City and New Taipei City are used to verify and validate the proposed VfM model, and demonstrate how quantitative analysis can be carried out for PFI projects. The positive validation results show the appropriateness of the proposed VfM model, and might encourage future implementation of PFI in low self-liquidating public social housing projects.


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