  • 學位論文


Interaction between Needy Families and Public Assistance Services in Taipei

指導教授 : 施世駿


解決貧窮問題,以社會救助服務為主要的方法。貧窮家庭面對經濟困境時使用社會救助服務,也產生與制度的互動關係。本文旨在探討貧窮家庭與社會救助服務之互動情形,採用質性研究方法,以立意抽樣方式選取樣本。研究範圍以臺北市某行政區域為主,並以該區之社會局社會福利服務中心的服務個案為研究對象,使用深度訪談法,共訪談19名受訪者,蒐集貧窮家庭的特質、重要生命事件、因應策略、使用社會救助服務的經驗與對政策感受、期待等資料,以整理歸納出制度如何對貧窮家庭產生影響。 本研究以生命歷程觀點之巨視層面分析貧窮家庭的社會救助服務經驗,歸納出四種類型:一、「滯留不出」的軌跡—長期貧窮,可明顯觀察出貧窮家庭與社會救助服務的連結關係強弱;二、「反覆進出」的軌跡—假性的脫貧,制度與家庭生命階段交互影響下,讓貧窮家庭反覆進出貧窮線,社會救助服務經驗是斷裂與不連續的;三、「門裡卻似門外」的軌跡—中低收入戶,「看得到卻無法使用」,需求是大於服務實際的提供;四、「排除後又納入」的軌跡—社會救助法第五條第三項第九款,在制度外徘徊許久終於進入,更可觀察出貧窮家庭與制度抗衡的行動。 研究結論則整理出社會救助服務對貧窮家庭的影響有:一、制度設計讓貧窮家庭安於貧窮的生活,自立、抗貧的行動是較少的;二、貧窮家庭的福利領受資格和所接受的福利資源是有明顯階層化;三、貧窮家庭相較於一般家庭更具制度化的影響,是無形的手控制著其生命階段與發展;四、社會救助服務對貧窮家庭而言是非彈性的,不論是受助經驗或是生命階段的發展皆會呈現斷裂的與不連續的影響。


Social service has become one of the major approaches to solve poverty. When families living in poverty use social assistance services to get through financial problems, the interaction between those families and the system is generated, which is the focus of this analysis. Using qualitative research, this study conducted purposive sampling based on the geographic scope of an administrative district in Taipei City. Service cases of the Social Welfare Center of the Department of Social Affairs in the district are the research subjects. To draw a conclusion on how the system affects families in poverty, data such as characteristics of the impoverished households, significant life events, adaptation strategies, experiences of using social services and expectations as well as perceptions towards social policy were collected by in-depth interviewing of 19 interviewees. Examining the service experience of families in poverty using social service with the life course perspective at the macro level, the study attains to four types of interactions. First, the “Stagnant” type—families living in long-term poverty, the strength of the linkage between which and the social service system can be easily observed. Second, the “In and Out Repeatedly” type—families that are temporarily lifted out of poverty, the system and the experiences of social service with which are disrupted and discrete. At different life stage, the reciprocation of the system and these families make them repeatedly slipping into and out of the poverty threshold. Third, the “In Fact, Still An Outsider” type—low- and middle- income families, with which the social services provided cannot meet the needs, denoting services that can be seen but cannot be available. Fourth, the “Included After Being Excluded” type—after lingering outside the doors of the system for such a long time, families that are finally admitted into the social service system according to subparagraph 9 of paragraph 3 of the Article 5 of Social Assistance Act. The rival between the system and these families are even more evident. In conclusion, social services have the following impacts on families in poverty: first, due to the design of the social service system, poor families are easily content with living in poverty, indicating less actions of self-sustaining or anti-poverty. Second, the eligibility for welfare for the families in poverty and the welfare resources actually received by them are clearly stratified. Third, impoverished families are more susceptible to the social service system than ordinary families. The system resembles an invisible hand controlling the life stage and the development of the families. Fourth, social services are inflexible to families in poverty, indicating disrupted and discrete impacts will appear in either the experiences of receiving assistance or the development of the life stage.




陳湘晴(2014)。政府與非營利組織之協力關係: 以台中市政府愛心食物銀行為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0023-2811201414225443
