  • 學位論文


Marine Awareness in Taiwanese Sea Literature–A Case Study of Ocean Writer Liao Hung-Chi and His Works

指導教授 : 周繼祥


伴隨海洋意識抬頭,海洋相關議題已然成為國際重視的焦點,因此近年來臺灣海洋文化逐漸受到重視,亦開始著重海洋教育的重要性,並且鼓勵民眾親海、愛海與知海。海洋文學作為海洋文化呈現的重要面向之一,同時蘊含作者本身的海洋意識。基此,本研究以臺灣海洋文學作家廖鴻基為對象,探討自1996年《討海人》至2016年《海童—一本漂流的想像誌》等海洋文學作品,並進一步分析當中蘊含的海洋意識。 研究歸納廖鴻基海洋文學作品中較為重要的幾個海洋意識面向,包含「尊重自然海洋的生存法則」、「著重海洋保育的生態永續」以及「根基海洋教育的行動實踐」。無論是作品當中不斷倡導的海洋保育觀點、海洋資源取捨或者海陸一體等概念,都持續呼應著廖鴻基的海洋意識。另外在其作品中更不斷提出重視海洋保育、恢復海洋生態以及建構海洋文化等呼籲,希望政府以及民眾能夠從根本重視海洋,並且落實於海洋相關政策。


With the rise of public marine awareness, ocean related issues have become the focus of global attention. As a result, in recent years Taiwan has been gradually placing greater emphasis on the importance of maritime culture and marine education. The public is also encouraged to develop intimate relationships with the ocean, to know and to cherish our surrounding seas. Sea literature is one of the key aspects in which maritime culture is presented, and thus embodies the author’s own marine awareness. In light of this standpoint, the aim of this study is to explore and analyze the marine awareness of Taiwanese ocean writer, Liao Hung-Chi, by examining his body of work ranging from Fishermen, published in 1996, to Children of the Sea – A Journal Adrift in Imagination, published in 2016. This study concludes that the marine awareness displayed in Liao Hung-Chi’s works of literature can be categorized into several important dimensions, including survival rules that respect the natural marine environment, ecological sustainability with a primary emphasis on marine conservation, and practical actions rooted in marine education. Throughout Liao’s entire body of work, all ideas represented, such as the perpetual advocacy of marine conservation, the trade-offs of exploiting marine resources or the concept of land-sea integration, are reiterations of his marine awareness. In addition, Liao, through his works, has persistently called for action to underscore the importance of marine conservation, of restoring marine ecology, and of establishing a maritime culture, in hopes that both the government and the general public can uphold a fundamental appreciation of the ocean and that his concepts of marine awareness can be implemented via relevant marine policies.


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