  • 學位論文


The Impact of Product Knowledge and Partitioned Pricing on Consumer Behavior-Taking Electronic Products for Example

指導教授 : 翁崇雄


由於資訊科技與網路的快速發展,電腦已經成為每個人生活上不可或缺的一部分。對於像是桌上型電腦這種由多個項目組成的產品,多數目的切割定價是一種很合適的價格呈獻方式。而消費者對於電腦產品的知識也越來越趨近於常態分配,過去有許多的研究已經證明消費者者的產品知識會影響他們搜集資訊的方式以及購買的決策。因此,在切割定價的環境下,消費者的產品知識會如何影響他們的決策是一個很重要的議題。 切割定價是將一個商品或服務以多個價格的方式呈現給消費者,過去的研究中已經證明在少數目的切割定價中,由於消費者常常會低估產品的總價格,因而增加產品的銷售,然而在多數目的切割定價情況下消費者反而會高估總價格,對銷售反而有負面的影響。本研究將會證明消費者的產品知識在多數目切割定價的情境中會影響他們的行為;在無提供總價格的情況下,低產品知識的消費者對於多數目的切割定價之產品會有較低的感知價格公平性且更有可能無法準確的預估總價格;在有提供總價格的情況下,高產品知識的消費者對於多數目的切割定價之產品會有較高的感知價格公平性且更容易準確的預估總價格。


Due to the rapid development of information technology and Internet, people can’t live without computers. For the products like computers composed of many items, the large number of partitioned pricing is good way of presenting price. The consumer product knowledge to computer has gradually become a general distribution. Many studies have shown that consumer product knowledge would influence consumers the way they collect information and their purchase decision. Hence, in the context of partitioned pricing, how consumer product knowledge affect their decision is an important issue. When a seller presents multiple prices for a single product or service instead of one all-inclusive price, this is referred to as partitioned pricing. According to the past research, a partitioned price containing small number of price component will make consumers underestimate total price and increase sales. However, a partitioned price containing large number of price component will have negative effect on sales. This research will show that the consumer product knowledge will affect consumer behavior in the context of partitioned pricing. Without providing total price, consumers with lower product knowledge will have lower perceived price fairness and they may not be able to accurately estimate total price. With providing total price, consumers with higher product knowledge will have higher perceived price fairness and they may be able to correctly estimate total price.


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