  • 學位論文


Cross-strait Relations as a Field of Power: A Bourdieusian Perspective

指導教授 : 袁易


本研究嘗試提供一個新的視角與途徑,在現有兩岸關係研究典範之外,透過社會學家Bourdieu的實作理論來強調並補足象徵的詮釋面向,透過理解象徵權力此一構成場域世界觀的構成性權力之施展,具體捕捉到行動者如何透過委婉化策略來將行動表現為非關利益的面貌,並將個殊利益普遍化。在研究策略上,本研究首先將兩岸關係視為一場域空間,並進而界定場域作為客觀研究對象的相對自主性。 在場域當中,行動者透過象徵交換累積象徵資本進而再生產象徵權力,最終則是要在「如何定義兩岸關係」此一主戰場上進行象徵鬥爭,本研究發現並指出,場域支配觀點從強調主權與國家安全,轉移到強調經濟與經貿整合的過程,在過程當中,亦可顯見新自由主義論述透過全球化機制的國際流通,落實在兩岸關係場域的在地化鬥爭。 比較兩岸關係從「國與國關係」到「市場關係」的轉型,可以發現在不同場域規則之下,具有象徵資本或資格來定義或詮釋兩岸關係的行動者亦不同,本研究指出在場域中進行象徵鬥爭的三種行動者類型,首先是在場域中競逐政治資本的政治人物,透過對兩岸關係提出正當性論述,並透過選舉來獲得確認,以代表普遍意志之姿,來獲得象徵資本;理論學家則藉由其所具有的文化資本來獲得發言權,並參與定義兩岸關係的過程,從法政學家到經濟學家甚或是社會學家,這些行動者其所強調的理論依據亦有明顯差異;最後則是經濟實作者如台商或契作農漁民,透過經濟資本的持有,亦成為推動場域轉型的重要動力,並透過政治人物「拚經濟」之論述,從而將其個別經濟利益加以普遍化。 場域中象徵暴力的施展,使得特定位置的行動者藉由與之共謀獲得利益,並讓其他特定位置的行動者主動或被動禁言;然而象徵暴力的內涵仍隨時有動態轉變的可能,從主權與安全價值轉變為市場與經濟發展,再到2010年開始,新自由主義論述逐漸與場域中象徵支配觀點脫鉤的過程中,皆能捕捉到此轉形的可能。 自從2008年以來,兩岸以九二共識所推動的兩岸交流蓬勃發展,使得場域中的議題複雜化並創生出次場域,這些交流主要透過論壇的方式進行,亦建立在互訪與備忘錄形式,更具體深入到農業採購與契作機制。這些互動成為兩岸頭人累積資本進行象徵交換的平台,並重新確認、鞏固了以九二共識作為場域中最高且同時也是最基礎的互動規則。 九二共識一詞作為互動規則的結構性質,亦凸顯了場域的相對自主性,從一開始行動者對其符旨及意旨的考據與解構,到其隱含意遠大於其自身意義的發展,九二共識已儼然成為意義架空的麥格芬,僅能透過再客觀化的過程來理解其實作意義,並觀察場域中不同位置的行動者如何詮釋及理解之。


By using Bourdieu’s sociological perspective, cross-strait relations could be studied as a field of power. In the field, actors compete interests not only by material struggle but also symbolic struggle, and the ultimate goal is to constitute or reconstitute the rules of interaction of the field. Under symbolic domination, actors within dominating positions could gain interests by being complicit in the domination, and actors within dominated positions would keep silent or try to modify their points of view. Furthermore, this article shows that the symbolic domination only works in the euphemized and disinterested form, that is, how symbolic power is most powerful and useful, but weak and useless at the same time. During 2001-2008, the definition of the cross-strait field was transformed from “state-relations” to “market-relations”, in this process, actors such as theorists, politicians, and practitioners, consciously or unconsciously adopt the rhetoric from neoliberalism and invest different species of capital for competing symbolic capital. After 2008, the interactions and exchanges across Taiwan Strait was blooming, by forums, exchange visits, business agreements, even contractual farming system, and almost all of these platforms were under the premise of 1992 Consensus. Further, those participants also expanded the social space of the field with the points of view they take, and accumulate symbolic capital to consolidate the premise of 1992 Consensus. Thus, this process reinforced the relative autonomy of the field, and made it more complex.


Adler-Nissen, Rebecca edt. (2013). Bourdieu in international relations : rethinking key concepts in IR. New York : Routledge.
