  • 學位論文


The Third Eye: Historical Novels in the Transition Period of Modern China

指導教授 : 王汎森
共同指導教授 : 王遠義(Yuan-Iee Wang)




歷史小說 演義 轉型時期 西史 亡國史


This dissertation takes modern Chinese historical novels as the main object of discussion, tries to outline the characteristics and changes of historical novels in the transition period of modern China, and explores what kind of realistic concerns behind these characteristics. This dissertation is divided into four chapters apart from the preface and conclusion. The second chapter takes two Western historical novels: "萬國演義" and "新列國志" as the main historical materials, and discusses how Chinese scholars who tended to constitutionalism during the transition period understood and interpret Western history, and how to interpret Western evolution as a talisman for political theory. The third chapter mainly discusses the anti-authoritarian historical novels of the revolutionary faction. It also discusses how "autocracy" and its historical imagery are regarded as revolutionary goals and presented in historical novels that appeal to political, racial, and even women's revolutions. The fourth chapter attempts to discuss how the concept of " self-destruction" about the subjugation of the country became the dominant tendency in the novels and discourses on the subjugation of the country in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, and even continued in the historical novels on the subjugation of the country after the Republic of China. The fifth chapter takes Xu Xiaotian's series of palace romances as the main historical materials, and discusses how the series of palace romances carried the ideological and social changes after the Republic of China, and inherited the ideals of revolution and anti-authoritarianism in the late Qing Dynasty. In which parts can not get rid of the limitations of traditional history. With the aforementioned themes, this dissertation attempts to explore how historical novels have a dialogue with the context of the transitional era, and constitute the differences between modern historical novels and traditional historical romances.


