  • 學位論文


The Local Embeddedness of the Transnational Corporation-A Case Study of the Temporary Staffing Agencies in Taiwan

指導教授 : 徐進鈺


1970年代以降,因跨國公司如雨後春筍般地興起,以及各區域不均等發展,經濟地理開始轉向重視有關全球化等相關議題,近期更援引組織社會學者鑲嵌理論,以及制度論者的研究取徑深入探討跨國廠商利用愈發錯綜複雜的方式,透過各種合作行動、控制散佈各地生產網絡來從事跨國經營。 本研究旨在討論跨國公司面對迥異於母國,不同型態之勞動市場、制度體系等外在環境因素,外商是如何進入地主國市場,進而成為勞動市場的要角,另外,該組織對於地主國之產業環境以及制度體系的影響又為何?文中即以在臺外資人力派遣廠商為例,構築並延伸Peck以及Coe等人對於人力派遣廠商全球資本流動在地化情境之論述,提出三項研究核心發問:(一)外商人力派遣業者如何跨足至臺灣從事經營活動?其進入市場、佈局等開拓市場過程以及組織結構轉型為何?(二)臺灣制度環境是如何開放勞動市場以吸引外商人力派遣業者進駐?其進駐開拓之後臺灣整體在勞動市場上的影響與改變又為何?(三)外商人力派遣業者對於臺灣當地要派企業以及派遣員工間權力關係如何形塑與再結構? 本研究利用次級資料之蒐集、整理,以及深入訪談,考察廠商、地主國與母國三者在資本競逐邏輯上的關係,據此得出下列三項發現。 (一)彈性的宰制與新自由的席捲:臺灣屬晚近發展的新興工業化國家,為維持高度經濟效率與成長,勞動條件不斷趨近「彈性化」,同時受到新自由主義浪潮之影響,政府有意採納一連串實施回歸市場機制的彈性化勞動市場政策,該政策具體形塑人力派遣市場之生成,曝曬於商品化氛圍的勞動市場,致使外資能挾以大量資金與技術在此萌芽與發展。(二)全球/在地的二元辯證與交織:外資人力派遣廠商在知識和關鍵技術之中背負著母國的原始記憶,卻非隱身於母公司的權威籠罩之下,面對在地各類不同的客戶需求,子公司於地方在商言商的政治關係、於和要派公司合作及折衝的權力矛盾、於組織行為的轉型與發展中,同時湧現出十足的自主性和在地特質。(三)附身知識的吸納擴散:經過人力派遣廠商的配置,勞工於勞動市場上的流動程度更為高漲,因此筆者主張通透如此活性之瓣膜,勞工不再固著於單一工作場域,遊走於各類工作場域的「高階」勞工更可藉此堆疊出許多附身的知識與經驗,有效解決要派公司所遭遇之困難的同時,亦能增加勞工自身的能動性,反向影響資方以塑造有利於自身生產與再生產的環境,然而這樣的能動性仍受限於制度以及資本主義運作邏輯之中。


Since the 1990s the largest transnational temporary staffing agencies have dramatically expanded the geographical extent of their operations. This article examines the modes of local embeddedness of these agencies and offers an initial assessment of their glocalization strategies in the ‘emerging markets’. It demonstrates how agencies explore different types of temporary staffing markets and interact with regulators, transnational agencies and local agencies. In addition, it attempts to contemplate the effect which these agencies affect their host country’s labor market employments. Basically, this article will bring up three main questions: (1) How could industry circumstance in Taiwan especially labor regulation condition attract FDI to come in? Is there any reregulation in national labor market ‘flexibilization’ or path dependence in human resource business practice? (2) How could transnational agencies govern crossing border? How they entry the market and expand their branch and franchise networks? Is there any mechanism of coordination and tension deriving from their activities? (3) What kind of change or transformation have the host country’s labor market employments came through as transnational agencies arrived in Taiwan? Drawing primarily on data from in-depth interviews, this article reveals three arguments as following: (1) Taiwan is one of the newly industrialized countries (NICs). In order to maintain high economic development and efficiency, the labor condition tends to being flexible essentially. When the state faced higher unemployment rate, government purposed to promote a series of labor market flexibilization policy and tried to legalize temporary staffing. In this condition, the transnational agencies possessed their advantage of ownership in capital and knowledge to come in and developed quickly in Taiwan. (2) Although subsidiary companies have power relations in capital and know-how with parent companies. However, they don’t lose their authorities at all. In order to interact local customers directly and rapidly, subsidiary companies shows high autonomy in negotiation with local clients, coordination with other agencies and even organization transformation. (3) Because of the deployment of temporary staffing agencies, labors have more mobility in the labor markets. Labors stay no longer in a single workplace, they can migrate to all types of field especially for high-end labors. They can acquire more embodied knowledge and experience when they change their workplace. At the same time, they can solve problems which clients encounter efficiently and create more agency. Even they may influence the employers to create more favorable environment for their production and reproduction. However, this agency is still only limited to the institution of the system, as well as the logic of capitalism.




