  • 學位論文


An Analysis of the Community Empowerment From the Ritual Perspective in Angka Community

指導教授 : 陳亮全


社區總體營造自1993年推動以來,已成爲重要的社區培力方式。爲落實由下而上的政策,各地方成立的文史工作室、文化工作團體或社區協會等團體,在實體上進行行政支援、協助活動的推展;透過虛擬課程、網絡學習與專人輔導的方式,支援網際網路資訊,讓參與社造活動的基層團體不用受限時空,隨時交換最新消息與相互交流。 本文試圖借用人類學家Van Gennep的通過儀式理論,以台南縣學甲鎮紅茄社區的經驗爲例,說明在社造的過程當中,居民的角色將產生分離、邊緣、統合的變化;且能更進一步的以Turner的理論針對一般居民與社造領導者做出中介與交融的區別。一般居民將從參與社造活動過程中,從不支持到支持社造;社造領導者則能因與居民一同做社造,強調與居民平等的關係,獲得領導社造的正當性。 在社造推動的過程當中,藉由分析社造中的議題、參與者與活動,導出支持社區總體營造可重複舉辦、屬於團體活動並兼個人性質,且每一項活動都需時間準備之四項要素之四大要素,稱之儀式影響力。說明社區總體營造活動,若能具備這四項要素,必能支持居民的角色轉變、確立社區發展協會的領導地位並且能夠有效使議題轉換爲象徵。 從紅茄社區的案例,我們可以瞭解一個沒有專業規劃團隊進駐,居民展現在地力量發展而成的社區總體營造。借用儀式的概念,解析在社區總體營造推動過程中,居民從不支持的態度轉變爲投身其中,全力支援;以及社區發展協會理事長,獲得領導正當性的經過,進一步形成紅茄社區共同體的歷程。紅茄社區證明居民行動的主體性,展現農村地區發展社區總體營造,面臨既有人際關係結構與新形成的社區發展協會組織兩者所產生的矛盾,提供一個實踐的案例,予以農村地區發展社區總體營造的參考。


Community empowerment is a broad term applied to the practice and academic disciplines of involved citizens, governments, and professionals to improve various aspects of local community. It is also an important method to empower individuals and groups of people by providing these groups with the skills they need to affect change in their own communities. This essay borrows Van Gennep’s “rite of passage” to analyze the roles of residents in Anggadiann or Hongchie community will shift from separation, transition, to re-incorporation during community empowerment. Besides, according to the Turner’s concept, we can demonstrate the leadership will come into “communitas” to acquire legitimate on the one hand; residents do enter to “liminality” to show their attitudes from being against to community empowerment to advocating it on the other hand. Furthermore, this article tries to provide that there are four factors could be found within issue, participants, and activities of community empowerment. The four factors are the key to determine if the attitudes of residents shift happen and whether the leader can acquire legitimate. Finally, when rural area faces contradiction between existed interpersonal relationship structure and neo-relationship of community development organization, Hongchie provides the agency of residents’ motivation. It will be a good model for other counties.


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