  • 學位論文


The Functional Analysis of the Questioning Power of Local Legislative Institute ─ The Case Study of Taipei City Council

指導教授 : 葛永光


質詢權係指立法機關針對行政機關的施政情形、政策方針、工作報告或其他重要事項等作為,以書面或口頭的方式向其提出疑問或質問,要求行政機關答覆之權力。經過地方行政首長與立法機關的民選和地方自治發展,質詢權已然成為地方議會權力行使之主要職權。而臺北市為我國「首善之都」,各項自治發展與政策制定易成為各縣市之借鏡,因此本論文將藉由研究臺北市議會行使質詢權之功能時,對於臺北市政府的影響性。 本研究旨在調查臺北市府會對於質詢權在功能上的看法,並探討府會對於此質詢權之功能是否有認知上的差異性,做出有別於以往研究質詢權時針對法制面或程序面上的探討,而主要是功能面的討論。過程將以政治系統中的功能設計變項,透過問卷調查研究,並將此問卷結果以橫斷法分析各變項的異同處。 研究發現臺北市地方立法機關行使質詢權時,會受到內在與外在社會環境之影響,而根據臺北市府會受訪者之意見,可看出質詢權具有政治系統中輸入項、轉換過程、輸出項以及反饋這些變項中的部分功能。接著建議有關制度之研究應加入功能面來探討,由功能面看出制度面之缺陷,並對於現行法規制度做出更改,以及加強政策執行的必須性與強制性,強化政策執行之道。最後說明由臺北市地方立法機關質詢權的功能研究,衍生為對各項府會互動權力之研究,並擴及各地方府會和中央府會關係,皆可透過功能之分析,建立解決府會衝突之機制。


Question refers to the right of the legislative institute to issue a written or oral query and interrogatory aiming at the governance condition, policy principles, work reports or other important priorities to ask administrative institution to correspond. Developed by the election of local administrator and legislative institute together with local self-government, Question has become the major power of local parliament to act their right. Taipei as the “top capital” of the country, its self-government and policy making are tend to be a stander for the other counties and cities; therefore, by analyzing the questioning function of Taipei City Council, this study is going to explain the influence of questioning operation on the relationship between Taipei City government and council. The thesis of this study is investigating the views of Taipei City government and council toward the function of question, and probing whether there are cognitive differences between local government and council on this. In addition, this investigation emphasizes on the discussion of functional part, instead of legislative or process discussion made by the past question studies. Because functioning design of political system is the variables in the phases, the study uses cross-sectional design to analyze every similarities and dissimilarities of the x based on questionnaire. The study discovered that when local legislative institute of Taipei City acts its question right, it will be influenced by intrinsic and external social environments. According to the opinions of interviewees from Taipei City government and council, question has parts of the functions of the variables like inputs, conversion process, outputs and feedback, in political system. The study then next suggests the function part to be added into the study of systems; therefore pointing out the defects of institution and revising the existing legislative regulation in function’s perspective, and improving the necessity and mandatory to strengthen the method of policy execution. At last, to establish a resolution of the government-council conflict, through analyzing the function part, this study explains how to derive the investigations on local government and council’s interactive powers and their relationship with central government and council from the study of the questioning function of Taipei City’s legislative institute.


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