  • 學位論文


Parking Policy Based on Departure Time and Parking Choices Equilibrium Model with Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram

指導教授 : 坂井勝哉


近年來停車問題變得越來越重要,因為持續增加的汽車擁有率卻仍保持相同數量的可停車土地。因此,有些國家的政府藉著允許道路邊側可停車的「路邊停車」來試著增加可停車容量。良好的「路邊停車」管理是很重要的,它可以避免因為超量需求的停車競爭而導致的交通壅塞。 這篇論文闡述一個出發時間選擇及停車選擇平衡模型。其根據四個假設:一、只存在「路邊停車」及「室內停車」此二種停車方式。二、每位停車者的旅行成本包含旅行時間、時程延遲及緩慢巡行。三、找到可使用的路邊停車空間之機率可被Arnott(2017)模型所描述。四、「宏觀基本圖」根據了交通壅塞,其中路網的車輛速度與其路網的車輛累積呈「反變」關係。其平衡使用了「相繼平均法」來求解。之後,透過選擇不同的路邊停車費率及容量,我們可以提供一個政策致使最低的社會成本(即最高的利益)發生。 當「路邊停車」的停車費率及容量變動時,其需求反應將會被改變。當「路邊停車」的停車費率或容量低於「室內停車」的停車費率或容量時,使用者傾向於提早出發去抵達較便宜的停車空間且他們將會支付時程延遲的懲罰成本。相反地,如果「路邊停車」及「室內停車」的停車費率沒有很大的差異時,使用者將會選擇幾乎相同的時間出發,而此又會致使交通壅塞的發生,並增加使用者的旅行時間。最後,當旅行時間的影響較小時,「路邊停車」的停車費率及容量則需要被提升。


Recently, parking problems become more serious because the number of owning cars is increasing but a number of park-able lands are still the same. Hence, some governments tried to increase the parking capacity by allowing the side of the road to be park-able which is called “Curbside parking”. It’s important to have good management in this parking to avoid the congestion caused by competition. This paper develops a departure time choice and parking choice equilibrium model, based on the assumptions: (1) There are only 2 types of the parking lot to park; curbside parking and garage parking (2) Travel cost of every parker is including the times of driving, schedule delay and parking toll, (3) The probability to find a vacant space of curbside parking can be described by Arnott’s model (2017) and (4) Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram based traffic congestion: the vehicles’ speed in the network has the reverse variation with the accumulation. The equilibrium is calculated by a Method of Successive Average algorithm. Then, the policy from varied curbside parking fees and capacity will be carried out by choosing from the policy strategy that gives the lowest social cost which refers to it can give the highest benefit. The flow pattern will be changed when the curbside parking fee and capacity are varied. When the curbside parking fee is clearly lower than the garage parking fee or capacity, the drivers tend to depart earlier to reach the cheaper parking lot. They will own a penalty cost from the schedule cost. On the other hand, if both parking fees are not too different the drivers will depart almost the same time which causes congestion which extends the driver’s travel time. When the travel time has less impact, the curbside parking fee and capacity need to be increased.


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