  • 學位論文


Analysis on the Governance Model of the Guardian's Trust ownership

指導教授 : 林麗雲


本研究起始於對英國質報《衛報》所採用的信託所有權模式之好奇──不自外於商業市場競爭的新聞媒體,在外部環境劇烈變遷甚至愈趨嚴峻的情況下,如何維持獨立和公共性,保有對新聞社會責任的堅持。然而,由於國內尚無新聞媒體信託案例,學術討論也少討論該之報所有權結構內涵及治理模式,本研究因此欲回答:《衛報》信託所有權的治理模式為何?又,在時代變遷下如何調整其治理? 為回答研究問題,本研究首先檢析信託本質與新聞媒體信託模式,試圖釐清《衛報》所有者史考特信託之性質,並探索新聞媒體信託模式依照所有權結構上的差異之類型。另一方面,爬梳治理研究文獻後,有研究指出,新聞媒體公司治理會反映在媒體內容上;而雙元治理──公司治理和新聞治理並行以保障新聞品質在公司的地位,則為確保新聞品質地位之機制。依照史考特信託治理模式在不同時期所展現的不同樣貌及治理特色,本研究將治理模式分為三期,並採用歷史研究途徑,分析一手與二手文獻資料以探求《衛報》信託所有權的治理模式,以及在時代變遷下其治理模式如何調整。 研究結果指出,《衛報》是信託模式與雙元治理的珍貴結晶。該報亮眼表現可歸功於其信託模式成功地捍衛其設立目標,而此目標又延續《衛報》尊重總編輯的傳統,展現出在新聞媒體世界裡,營利和公益並非水火不容。對一向哀號因為「生存至上」所以放棄關心公益的台灣新聞媒體主管和老闆而言,本案例研究指出前述另一種觀點與可能。而《衛報》未來將如何面對充斥複雜科技以及高度競爭的世界,如何能在人事變動之下保有公司文化和確保中心價值不致流失,也都值得繼續觀察。


In light of the lack of cases of trust ownership of media enterprise in Taiwan and want of academic study on the subject matter, and regarding the distinct governance features demonstrated by the Guardian in different time spans, this study takes on historical approach to analyze the nature of the Guardian’s trust ownership as well as endeavors to provide a longitudinal framework of the newspaper’s governance under the trust structure, which enables the Guardian withstands the violent change of the media world while remains independent in news reporting. Firstly, to allocate the nature of the Scott Trust, this study examines both the definition of trust and trust ownership models of news media enterprises. To build a framework of the governance of the Guardian, then, this study looks back on the major governance theory and related literature on median governance. The reviews show that the integration of corporate governance and news governance is one of the key factors to foster a news media be responsible for shareholders and stakeholders as a whole, which echoes the legendary editor of the Guardian C.P. Scott’s words in 1921, “…and editor and business manager should march hand in hand…” This study provides a longitudinal framework and discussion of the Guardian’s governance composed by three periods of time, 1936-59, 1960-89 and 1990 till now. It concludes that both the trust ownership that guarded its sole objective of keeping the newspaper’s editorial and financial independence, and the corporate & news governance that draws on the Guardian’s tradition that respects editor, contributes greatly to the survival and success of the Guardian, which shows profit-seeking and public good-seeking are not the opposite. This result of this study also points out another possible option of business model for Taiwanese news media owners.


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