  • 學位論文


The Impact of a Batterer Intervention Program on the Family System of Perpetrators

指導教授 : 沈瓊桃


台灣的婚姻暴力加害人處遇工作在《家庭暴力防治法》實施後,正式納入家庭暴力防治工作的一環。本研究希冀藉由婚暴加害人、被害人以及其子女的發言,表達出他(她)們的期待,以及處遇方案對於他(她)們的影響,呈現他(她)們的家庭經驗,提供實務工作者與政策法令倡導者做為方案調整的參考,並累積相關的學術研究。 本文採取家庭系統取向觀點做為基礎理論,來探討加害人接受處遇方案後的改變與影響,以及其家庭互動與其他成員的變化。本研究採取質性深度訪談,以家庭為研究單位,加害人、被害人與子女三方為研究對象來回應研究問題。本研究共完成四個家庭的訪談,包括九位受訪者。資料分析以開放式編碼與主軸編碼為原則,將研究發現分成兩大部分,首先敘說受訪者家庭史並進行家庭系統中不同面向的分析,其次分別呈現加害人、被害人與子女對於處遇的主觀經驗。 研究結果顯示(1)加害人與被害人對於暴力事件的觀感不盡相同,暴力頻率、嚴重程度與類型的意見大多不相符,加害人所說明的暴力頻率、程度較被害人說明的頻率少、程度輕。(2)處遇方案對於夫妻系統的影響不一,對於親子系統影響較不明顯。加害人所提及的影響包括夫妻互動模式轉變、能對婚姻放手、平和處理後續離婚事宜。(3)處遇對於加害人有正向影響,亦可能產生負面影響。(4)加害人會將必須接受處遇的責任歸咎於被害人,於是責難或抱怨被害人。(5)被害人與子女皆期待加害人有所轉變,包括能終止暴力、認知到家暴是犯罪行為、成為負責任的丈夫及適任的父親,改變偏差人格。她(他)們對於處遇的熟知程度不高,只有少數人得知處遇工作者的評估結果。(6)被害人與子女建議處遇計畫,包括在形式上設計配套措施、增加處遇長度與後續追蹤,納入情緒控制與親職教育的處遇內容,並建立處遇工作者與被害人的聯繫。 根據本研究發現,研究者建議在處遇方案的設計與執行,應以被害人與子女的安全為優先考量,逐步地修正處遇計畫可能產生的負面效應,避免加害人將接受處遇的責任歸咎於被害人,並且定期評估加害人持續參與處遇的適切性。其次,處遇方案工作者應與其他體系工作者保持定期聯繫,不僅可使其他工作者對於處遇方案有更多了解,亦可確認被害人與子女是否獲得所需的安全計畫與服務,才能真正地修復暴力傷害並強化家庭功能。除此之外,將大眾傳播媒體納入暴力防治的一環,宣揚倡導非暴力的信念,以建構無暴力的生活環境。


Batterer intervention programs were established in Taiwan after the promulgation of the Domestic Violence Prevention Act in 1998. These programs mainly target men arrested for domestic violence. This study aims to present the perspectives of batterers’ family members, including violent men who are ordered by the court to complete a batterer intervention program, battered women and their children, in order to study the effect of the programs on the batterers and their families, and explore their expectations toward the programs. Being based on the perspective of family systems, this paper first explores the effects and changes of batterers’ families after the batterers participated in the program. The research method included in-depth interview with four families (nine persons), in order to collect information on their feelings and expectations. The interviews also discussed the impact of the program on the batterers’ behavior and their own lives. The data were categorized as “family history”, “batterers’ experience”, and “battered women and children’s experience” in terms of open coding and axial coding. The results indicated that: (a) The partners often disagree with the occurrence, level, and frequency of violence. Batterers tend to underreport an assault when compared to victims. (b) The effects of the programs vary in different marital relationships, and there are no obvious effects on parent-child relationships. (c) Some batterers are improved by the program, but some may be affected negatively. (d) Some batterers would blame their partners for the program participation. (e) Both battered women and children hope that batterers stop their violence, change their attitude, and become responsible husbands and fathers. Most of them do not know about the program and possible results after the batterer’s participation in the program. (f) Battered women and children suggest some points to improve the programs, including flexible forms of program design, lengthening the programs and follow-up, anger management skills for batterers, and encouraging positive parenting. Therapists should follow up on battered women to ensure their safety. The findings implied that we should consider the safety of battered women and children in program design and implementation. The therapists should evaluate regularly and keep contact with battered women to avoid secondary wounds. Moreover, therapists should coordinate with workers of social service, police, prosecutors or other related networks. They may learn about the programs and cooperate to rebuild the function of families. Finally, mass media is a crucial segment of the community, and need to advocate nonviolent faith and construct nonviolent living environment.


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