  • 學位論文


Verify Purpose and View Angle Coverage of Camera in Campus Corridor Safety -In Case of Campus Surveillance of National Taiwan University (Main Campus)

指導教授 : 黃奎隆


校園安全是ㄧ切教育的根本,然而每年於校園內、外發生的意外事件,對學生本身所造成的傷害,對家庭及社會所造成負擔,影響都是長久而深遠的,如何在校園中保障人身、財產安全,前幾個方案其中一定會有監控系統,而相同的問題在社會上,重要程度只會更前面,監控系統還原當時發生經過、釐清關係。建置監控系統是容易的,只要有足夠的預算就可以找有經驗的廠商來執行,但是若要請廠商做一個全防衛的安全監控系統,相信沒有廠商敢接,因為科技不斷更新,歹徒的手法也隨之改變,這是一個矛與盾的對抗,所以規畫安全系統的承辦人,需要知道安全監控系統根本在解決甚麼問題,達到甚麼目的以及符合何種形式的安全層級,而不以監控系統的功能及價格為討論,所以能在這次研究找出一個解決方案,並在寬廣的安全範圍中,有攝影視角及數量的依據,以及證明一個具有安全層級的監控系統,此次特別採用國際安全標準(IEC 62676)的規範,檢視現有監控系統,是否符合建置標準,以及如何利用人形立牌(ROTAKIN)來檢視攝影機各項的功能指標,結論能用七個簡單步驟,說明建置一個大範圍的監控系統,仍然保有安全程度,也就是本研究的目的,可協助警政及安全機關,建立強固的安全監控系統,增加破案率,進而讓歹徒放棄犯案念頭,這不僅是學校的安全走廊,更能落實在社會上每一個安全角落。


The security surveillance system implement is a top priority of solution when people consider the issue of campus safety maintenance. Society is as same as school, the key point is that people would like to do relational analysis and clarify the responsibility through reviewing historical video by security system.it is not difficult to co-work with an experienced vendor/partner to execute a security surveillance system under sufficient budget. However, none of these companies can guarantee the capability of the system that can achieve all requirements. Every initial planner should fully understand the purpose of security surveillance system more than the functions or cost. Therefore, this study is focus on the relation between purpose verification and view angle coverage of camera in campus corridor’s safety. Furthermore, as increase of surveillance range and quantities of CCTV. It is more difficult to evaluate effective of the purpose. In this research would be expected to find out a solution that is using an international indication standard and particularly points out ROTAKIN (BS ENS50132). it will be able to measure resolution, color, motion capture of CCTV Camera and then to ensure how security surveillance system meet the purpose. It also suggests how to calculate a reasonable number in a wide field. In final conclusion and the purpose of this research as well, would provide a simple procedure to implement a security surveillance system in a broad scope and remains safe. This consequence is not only useful to my previous security programs, but also assist more security program planners. Due to stable and reliable security surveillance system, it may stop some criminal motivation. In that case, not only in corridor safety but also whole society environment would be improved and safe.


溫良財(2006)學校運動場館經營管理辦法分析,學校體育雙月刊,16(5),41- 45。
吳曉綺(2011)警察機關建置 CCTV 對竊盜犯罪預防之效用
