  • 學位論文


Reframing the Regime Complex of Taiwan Rural Development After 1970's

指導教授 : 張聖琳


「農村發展」是在面對總體變遷和農村結構改變的情況下,以特定的農村願景圖象為目標所採取的規範性和組織性行動。要理解臺灣農村發展特質和運作樣貌,必須在歷史的變動軌跡中,掌握國家如何將因應國際局勢而轉譯的發展目標,透過各種相關的政策計畫和資源分配策略,佈署於農業與農村的行動體系之中,並以此形塑能與發展目標相互接合的行動體制。本研究即以「體制研究」的觀點,以戰後至1970年代的農政發展成果為基礎,探討1970年代後各階段臺灣農村發展的體制運作結構與特質。 「體制」是具有高度政治意涵的詞彙,而體制研究則是著重於政策制度、治理模式和行為策略之間的互動關係,並以特定事務的發展或維繫為運作目標。現實中的體制從來不是獨立存在,涉及政治的各種事務運作往往是諸多體制運作的結果,因而必須以「複合體制」的概念來加以掌握。而以體制論點所探討的農村發展研究,則是強調主導治理模式的影響力來源,並先後提出外源式發展、內源式發展,和新內源式發展等不同類型的體制運作模式。這些體制類型如何對農村發展模式產生影響,成為研究者關注的焦點。 戰後土地改革,是遷占者國家在「以物質資源調配策略鞏固執政穩定性」的政治目標下,透過改變土地所有權和耕作收益分配模式的策略,強化改由國家汲取農耕收益的正當性與可行性,並以此組構出「土改增產體制」。而在1970年代的國際局勢巨變中,國家作為影響農業與農村發展最主要的調節機器之角色更為明顯。如何調度國內的農工資源安排,既加速由農轉工的推展進程以強化國際經濟角色,又能避免快速的城鄉移民造成都市部門的治理負擔,成為國家策劃發展策略的核心命題,而農村則是在工業化的浪潮中演化出「農村工業化複合體制」。 1990年代之後,政治民主化與經濟自由化的歷程,則是使國內社會的意見能夠轉化為對國家施政規劃的壓力,並使農政體系浮現三生架構,進入「農村三生化複合體制」階段。但競逐經濟自由化利益的資本,也成為國家在轉為民選政治體系後不易調解的力量,更突顯出當時政府在「參與全球化」、「維繫國家主權」,和「推動政治民主化」三者之間左支右絀。2000年之後,在總統與地方首長選舉中持續變動的政黨輪替過程,使兩岸政經關係的經營策略成為影響國內政策布局的重大變數;而氣候變遷所產生的環境災害,以及人口結構高齡化對於農村社會經濟活動的影響,也都各自引發施政對策的需求,使農村在面對資源多功能應用的需求下,形成「農村後生產複合體制」。 從臺灣的經驗來看,影響「農村發展」的政策架構之所以演化成一個複合式的運作體系,是隨議題事務分化而產生的內部專殊化導致,使戰後初期的農地改革、農業強化、農家改善,逐漸分化為農地利用、農業產銷、農村建設,和環境生態等四個專殊化的基礎體制,並從戰後初期的「土改增產體制」,逐漸走向「農村後生產體制」。在此一複合體制的演化過程中,也為臺灣農村發展留下三個有待解決的難題:發展效益難題、統合機制難題,以及不確定性難題。如何在複合體制的運作中解決這些難題,將是影響後續農村發展是否有所進展的關鍵。 臺灣的農村發展經驗也顯示,單純以發展動力來源的內、外之分,並不足以分析農村發展所面對的問題和行動特質,而是必須深入探討其內、外動力的層級結構樣貌和運作特性,並以此反饋農村發展體制論點的理論內涵。面對未來持續發生的趨勢變遷,以及其所帶來的新課題與新政策,如何從農村發展體制的分析成果中,找到更深入的研究課題和對應的政策規劃框架,更是農村發展研究者與規劃工作者未竟的挑戰。


To understand Taiwan’s rural development, researchers should go beyond historical narratives and reevaluate the political-economic process of how the state continually reframes the regime of rural development governance in the multi-scalar context. Based on regime theory, this dissertation dedicates to investigate and analyze the characteristics of Taiwan’s rural development after the 1970s. Widely used in academic research on the public governance sphere, regime theory provides a framework to integrate the formal and informal institutions in practicing developmental benefits. Nevertheless, no regime exists alone. Every governance depends on the compound effect of different regimes that constitute the regime complex. In the field of rural study, three development approaches have formulated by its origin of power and resources, which are the exogenous model, the endogenous model, and the neo-endogenous model. Each one has its orders and strategies to manage rural development. Before the 1970s, the regime of land reform and agricultural enhancement in Taiwan have not only redistributed land properties and agricultural benefits but also encouraged rural modernization to support manufacturing industries. In the 1970s, however, a dramatic transformation in international political society has urged the state to accelerate and escalate its development strategy to enhance its international economic role instead, which also increased the interference of non-rural activities into rural areas. To keep rural development in the time of industrialization, three topics in rural policies has emerged: farmland appropriation, agricultural production and marketing, and construction in rural villages, which constitutes of the regime complex to industrializing rural areas. Political democratization and economic liberation in the 1990s have brought another impact on rural development. Under the tide of societal transformation, the state reframed its rural development agenda into the regime complex of three dimensions which includes agricultural production, rural life, and environmental protection. Outside this framework, the farmland appropriation regime grows to be the dominant regime in the regime complex. With the alternation of the ruling party after the 2000s, the relationship between Taiwan Strait played a more distinct role in the national development strategy. Economic dependence on China brings both benefits and defects. Moreover, climate change and population aging also throw new challenges to rural sectors. All these emerging issues mobilize the needs of specialization and integration in developing rural areas which urges the rural development administration to be reframed into the regime complex of post-production. The configuration of Taiwan’s rural development regime complex is an evolutionary process. Both the international and domestic transformation request the state to alter its development strategy, which leads the rural development regime from a single system into a regime complex. Although agricultural production and marketing stands as the central pillar in the rural development policy, farmland appropriation gets a dominant influence in this regime complex because of its uncertainty on rural land use. It is not easy to define Taiwan’s rural development by either exogenous model or endogenous model because each force affects Taiwan’s rural areas in different ways but at the same time. Thus, the challenge for Taiwan’s rural areas to redevelop is how to redesign a mechanism for integrating all these elementary regimes and governing the regime complex.


