  • 學位論文


The Dutch Warehousing in Tayouan and East-Asian Trade in the 17th Century

指導教授 : 李文良
共同指導教授 : 康培德(Peter Kang)


17世紀荷蘭東印度公司以大員作為東亞海域轉運站,歐亞各地貨物暫存於大員島(今安平)熱蘭遮城堡內之倉庫,該地與臺灣本島隔台江內海相望,猶如一座境外轉運中心。一般貿易史研究,多從貨物和盈利角度來探討其商業經營,但對於公司具體上究竟是如何轉、如何運的過程,至今卻仍十分模糊。 本論文的主要目的,將從過去忽視的面向,探討荷蘭人做了什麼建設,倉庫和倉儲如何運作,以實現其東亞海域轉運站的地位。過去,大員倉庫的獨立特性很少受到重視,往往被城堡光環掩蓋,甚至被視為城堡之附屬建物。透過熱蘭遮城堡鳥瞰圖大致可領略上下雙城的構圖,其不自然且突兀的設計,顯示原非一體成型,下城猶如一座露天保險箱,將公司貴重物資的倉庫包覆其中,倉庫的重要性不言而喻。 本論文的前半部,透過大員倉庫與城堡形成過程,探討倉庫如何作為驅動力,形成熱蘭遮上下雙城的歷史成因,接著分析大員當局如何將臺灣在地和東亞海域貿易網絡的資源,融合於大員倉庫。後半部則以大員倉儲管理為中心,收貨入庫、出貨前包裝、船隻調度為討論架構,以1630年代後期轉運站形成的關鍵時期,微觀檢視倉儲運作,盼能對於大員商館如何作為東亞物流中心的實態有進一步的理解。


In the seventeenth century, Tayouan served as the entrepôt for the Dutch East Indian Company in the East Asian. Commodities from Asia and Europe and were temporarily stored in the warehouse in the Zeelandia Castle on Tayouan (today's Anping), like an offshore transit center. However, while the historian discussed the intra-Asia trade during the Dutch era in Taiwan, they mostly focused on the perspective of goods and profits, so that the process of how to transfer or how to transport is still unclear. This dissertation is to explore what infrastructure the Dutch did and how it worked by the warehouses and warehousing to fulfill its entrepôt position in East Asia seas. In the past, the uniqueness of the warehouse in Tayouan was rarely valued and was often seen as an appendant to the castle. Through the landscape map of Zeelandia Castle, we can see the composition of the upper and lower castles. The warehouse is located in the center of lower castle, like being protected in an open-air security box. Its unnatural design shows that the upper and lower castles were not integrated from the beginning and the warehouse played an important role to the Tayouan factory. In the first part of the dissertation, I will discuss how the warehouse acted as a driving force to construct the Zeelandia Castle by exploring the formation of the warehouse and the castles. Furthermore, how the Tayouan authorities integrated the resources from Taiwan and East Asian into the warehouses will be also examined. In the second part, I will focus on the warehousing operation, including goods receiving, packaging and ship scheduling. It is hoped that through a microscopic inspection of warehousing, we can have a further understanding of how Tayouan factory (trading post) served as a logistics center in East Asia.


1. 荷蘭國家檔案館檔案
Het archief van de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (VOC), 1602-1795 [The archive of the Dutch East India Company, 1602-1795], 1.04.02.
Batavis’s uitgaand briefboek [Letters and papers sent] (7 vols.): 852, 857, 858, 862, 863, 864, 883.
Overgekomen Brieven en Papieren [Letters and papers received] (40 vols.):
