  • 學位論文

以私部門觀點探討區段徵收之「公益性與必要性」研究 --高雄市鳳山區五甲農業區案例分析--

On Exploring the “Public Interest and Necessity” of the Zone Expropriation of the Agricultural Area with Perspective of the Private Sector, an Example in Fengshan District, Kaohsiung City

指導教授 : 孫志鴻


民國99年6月台灣苗栗大埔農業區徵收和中科四期用地徵收,引發土地徵收農民地主的「居住權、財產權」強烈抗爭。內政部遭受社會輿論壓力下,於民國100年1月8日頒行「土地徵收辦理公益性與必要性評估」規定,同時行政院要求核定土地徵收前必須進行公益性必與必要性評估。 本研究以私人部門觀點試圖檢視高雄市鳳山農業區區段徵收之「公益性與必要性」評估成果。研究目的在於釐清:1、何以本研究農業區區段徵收並未誘發抗爭?2、私有地主對於公益性與必要性評估結果是否認同?或者是條件式的認同,考量因素是什麼?;3、利害關係人的弱勢戶權益保障是否充分?經由應用理性選擇理論與交易成本理論,透過田野調查訪談、說明會紀錄以及官方文書進行內容分析。應用信度效度分析,交叉分析,檢視變數之內外在一致性與信度效度,以及理論假設。 分析結果發現里長,民意代表均肯定區段徵收之公益性與必要性。至於私有地主與開發商、土地投機者,均在土地開發利益驅動下,表達條件性的認同開發議題之 「公益性與必要性」。並爭議土地領回比例、分配土地遊戲規則,以及市價徵收補償的認定機制。這顯示私人地主均能在區段徵收下為「有限理性的選擇」。相對地,小面積地主、弱勢戶的協助與安置計畫並未受到官方重視,顯示在區段徵收的資訊揭露不足。公民社會意見主張,將部分開發利益透過安置計畫協助弱勢族群才能達成開發利益社會化,建構區段徵收的正當性,如此公共投資的公益性與必要性才會獲得社會大眾認同。


The expropriation of the agriculture land in Tai-Po, Miao-Li, and Middle Science Park in Taichung induced farmers ’strongest protest for the resident and property rights in June 2011, in Taiwan. Been subjected the pressure of public opinion the Ministry of Interior enacted provision of 「Assessment of public interest and necessity on land expropriation」, meanwhile, the Executive Yuan claim that assessment of public interest and necessity will be pre-condition for land expropriation before approval. In this study, with the private sectors’ perspectives, tried to review the results of “public interest and necessity" of agricultural land for the zone expropriation in Fengshan, Kaohsiung County. The study aimed to clarify: Firstly, why this study area the agricultural area of zone expropriation did not induced landowners struggle? Secondly, were private landowners, as for “public interest and necessity", agree with the assess results? Or with conditionally recognition, what are the considerations been thought? Thirdly, were the protections of the civil rights, the disadvantaged households among stakeholders, been adequate or not? Via rational choice theory and transaction cost theory, through fieldwork interviews, records of public hearing, official documents as content analysis material. By applied reliability and validity analysis, cross-analysis to examine the variables of internal and external consistency and reliability and validity, as well as theoretical assumptions. The results of the analysis found that the village chief, elected representatives affirmed the “public interest and necessity” of land expropriation. As for private landowners, developers, land speculators, are driven by the interests of the land development, expressing conditional recognized “public interest and necessity” in the development issue. In disputing and reclaiming the proportion of land distribution rules of the game, as well as the identification of mechanisms of the market price of compensation for expropriation. This shows that private landowners can select in bounded rationality under "zone expropriation". In the counterpart, small area landlords, vulnerable households, the authority has not been pay any attention and did not initiate the resettlement plan to assist with them, this demonstrate the lack of information exposure in the zone expropriation. Views of civil society claimed that, applied parts of the development interests through the resettlement plan for helping the disadvantaged in order to reach development interests of the community and to construct zone expropriation of legitimacy and “public interest and necessity “ of such a public invest will reach the public recognition.




