  • 學位論文


Development of a bio-inspired and torque-actuated dissipative spring loaded inverted pendulum model with rolling contact and its application on design, manufacture, and control of a novel multi-legged robot

指導教授 : 林沛群


隨著生命科學與工程技術的穩定發展,仿生機器人這一個跨領域的交集也逐漸的成長茁壯,而其中足式機器人更是如火如荼的發展,以能展現出如生物般動態運動的能力為目標。背後的學理和研發基礎,則仰賴仿生概念和動態系統的發展,以及系統整合技術的掌握。本論文以描述生物動態運動常用且能量守恆的倒單擺模型SLIP 為出發點,配合實驗室先前研發具滾動特性的模型 R-SLIP,來發展出具能量流動的新式動態模型 TDR-SLIP,涵蓋扭力的輸入與阻尼的損耗,讓模型更具真實性與可應用性。論文中探討此模型之動態特性,並與前兩模型進行比較。同時,並以此模型為依歸,研發出新式具多模式的多足機器人 TWIX。在設計端,以新式複合材料製程或同軸雙圓管阻尼器設計,來產生模型中足部所需可調控之阻尼和彈性,並探討阻尼對機器人運動穩定度之影響。機器人也具有可拆卸式腰部設計,讓機器人能在三種模式下切換使用:四足機器人、六足機器人、和具主動脊椎自由度之四足機器人,以供未來探索自由度配置對系統動態之影響。在控制端,有別於現有多足機器人上常用之位置控制,導入力控制和複合控制架構,將 TDR-SLIP 所具有之動態特性能在機器人上誘發,實際發展出具仿生動態特性之多足機器人。


With the steady development in life science and engineering, more and more people dedicating themselves into the research of bio-mimetic robots, the legged robot is one of the focusing objects trying to capture the well moving ability of the animals. The theory foundations are the conception of bionics, development of dynamic system and system integration. To develop a new dynamic model TDR-SLIP, this paper starts from the SLIP model, which is the most well-known to describe the movement of animals with the view point of energy conservation, and integrates the R-SLIP model, which is the prior work from our lab showing the benefit of rolling contact. The TDR-SLIP model focuses on the energy flow by an active torque and a damper, which makes the model more practical. In this paper, the dynamic properties of TDR-SLIP are made and its stability properties are compared with other models. Meanwhile, TDR-SLIP is also used as a template to build the new multi-legged robot TWIX. The composites manufacture and coaxial rotating cylinder viscometer are used to realize the adjustable damper in the model. By this design, the effect of damping property on moving stability can easily be studied. The robot also has a removable waist mechanism that equips the robot with the ability to transform into a quadruped robot, a hexapod robot and a quadruped robot with an active spine. In the future, this novel function can help to discover the effects on the dynamic system with permutations and combinations of these degrees of freedom. In the control system, hybrid control strategy is used to replace the general position control law. Combining with the information of torque, the hybrid control strategy induces the dynamic properties of TDR-SLIP on TWIX, which make it to become a real bio-mimetic robot.


TDR-SLIP hexapod quadruped damper elastic active spine hybrid control


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[2] iRobot Roomba. Available: http://www.roombavac.com.tw/product/650.html
[3] Google self driving car. Available: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_driverless_car
[4] SCHAFT robot. Available: http://theroboticschallenge.org/teams/schaft
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