  • 學位論文


Study on changes to Entitlement in Taiwan's National Pension Insurance System:a Gradual institutional Change Theory Perspective

指導教授 : 陳明通


本文所欲採取的研究方法為歷史研究法,並以Mahoney and Thelen提出之漸進式制度論觀點分析國民年金納保制度變遷,兼顧制度內在外在變革探討,首先探究政治脈絡特性和制度本身特性如何影響制度變遷模式;其次提出關鍵行動者類型的不同如何影響制度變遷;最後則著重政治脈絡特性及制度本身特性如何促成不同行動者類型。 研究結果發現,重大制度的變遷,不只是發生在整個制度的取代或改變,常常也會因為制度本身內涵的轉變,產生重大意義的變遷。回顧我國國民年金納保對象的變遷,從1993年著手規劃開始到目前為止,歸納主要歷經2個階段的重大轉折:第1個階段為制度形成初始階段(1993年到1999年),從整合式到分立式的演進過程,導致後續制度以分立式模式的特定軌道前進,將國民年金保險定位為以未參加其他相關社會保險之民眾為納保對象範圍;第2個階段為制度轉折修正階段(2007年到2008年),政策決定修法將農民排除在國民年金保險納保對象範圍之外。本研究透過漸進式制度論探討制度變遷的模式,可以歸納出國民年金保險納保對象的變遷內涵分為2種模式:制度初始階段因為制度本身特性具有相當高的詮釋空間,本身的特質曖昧不明,讓行動者得以透過不同的方式來闡釋執行制度規則,被闡釋和表現出來的是一個全新的態樣,此時為「轉換」(Conversion)一變遷模式;2008年修法將農民與國民年金保險脫鉤則為「層疊」模式,變遷過程面臨較多阻礙,且不容易運用制度本身模稜兩可的特性,新制度累積於舊制度之上,舊有制度並未被取代,但也改變了原本的狀態與結構。


By the methodology of historical research and the theory of gradual institutional change raised by Mahoney and Thelen, this paper analyzes the institutional transformation of National Pension Insurance system, disucssing both internal and external revolution. First, it evaluates how the features of political context and the characters of institution impact the way institution transforms; secondly, it explains how different kinds of key actors influence the institutional transformation; finally, it describes how the features of political context and the characters of institution precipitate different types of actors. This paper research concludes that major institutional transformation not only happens when the whole system is replaced or changes, but also occurs when the internal context of the insitution transforms. Since the planning of National Pension in 1993 till now, two major stages are identified for the transformation of National Pension insurees. The first stage is at the beginning of institution formation from 1993 to 1999. It’s the evolution from integration to separation, leading the following institution to proceed based on the specific course of saparation model. The insurees of National Pention are, therefore, identified as those who are excluded from all the other related social insurance system. The second stage is during the transition and amendment of institution from 2007 to 2008. At this stage, the policy is decided to amend National Pension Institution, and to exclude farmers from the insurees of National Pension Insurance system. Through the theory of gradual institutional change, the transforming context of National Pension insurees could be summarized into two models: Conversion and Layering. At the beginning of institution formation, the ambiguous features of the institution leave the actors a lot of room to interpretate. Key actors can explain the rules of implementation in different ways, and a brand new embodiment is interpretated and displayed. It is the so-called “Coversion” type of institutional change. In 2008, the National Pension Institution is amended, and farmers are excluded from National Pension Insurance system. With the new rules introduced alongside of the existing ones, and the original structure changed, it is the so-called “Layering” type of institutional change.




