  • 學位論文


Interpreters’ Personal Branding Strategies on Social Media: Sina Weibo as an Example

指導教授 : 范家銘


摘要 社群媒體已經成為人們日常生活中不可或缺的一部分,同時也為企業和個人提供了數位行銷的平台,來增加知名度。Wang (2016)的研究發現Facebook的粉絲專頁增加了口譯員被潛在客戶看見的機會,分析了台灣口譯員使用粉絲專頁的方式,本研究旨在探究經營社群媒體是否有助於大陸口譯員的職涯發展。研究以大陸第三大社群媒體新浪微博為例,採用量化分析和半結構式訪談的方式,瞭解大陸口譯員在微博上的自我行銷策略。 本研究分析了粉絲數量排名前五的口譯員在微博上的發文,並用訪談的方式進一步佐證他們建立自我品牌的策略。另外,作者也邀請了七位沒有建立自我品牌的口譯員講述了他們對口譯員在社群媒體上自我行銷的看法。研究結果揭示了大陸口譯員如何進入市場、獲取穩定客源,供口譯學生和自我成材的口譯員參考。


Abstract Social media is considered an indispensable part of people’s daily life and has become a new channel for big brands, as well as individuals, to do digital marketing to gain more exposure. Wang (2016) found that fan pages can be a platform for interpreters to be known by potential clients. While existing research has explored the use of fans pages in Taiwan, little is known about how interpreters in Mainland China use social media to benefit their career. This study aims to investigate the result of interpreters’ self-branding on Sina Weibo, the third largest social media in Mainland China, by means of quantitative analysis and semi-constructed interview. Sina Weibo posts of five interpreters with the largest amount of fans were analyzed and the interpreters were then interviewed to cross-examine their personal branding strategies. Seven interpreters who did not brand themselves were also interviewed to talk about their views on such phenomenon. The results revealed trends of how the subjects established themselves in the market, which can be followed by interpretation students and self-taught interpreters.


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