  • 學位論文


The Significance of Maintenance: the Social and Technological Feature of Residential Green Building

指導教授 : 周素卿


本文旨在闡述目前台灣住宅綠建築實作中,建築維護的困難以及建築維護成功的關鍵環節,並將綠建築技術系統的維護視為一個社會、技術與使用者交織影響作用的過程。社會面向中包括了相關建築政策、法規以及住宅空間與商品特性,這些影響了綠建築技術的使用、營造商的營造規範以及住戶使用維護的機制;技術面向指涉各類綠技術的技術特性等等,而技術面向除了必須回應政策制度的規範,也影響了行動者,包括了建設公司如何設計、營造以及住戶的能動性。在這些作用交織影響下,技術的社會建構論(SCOT)所提出的詮釋彈性(interpretive flexibility)以及社會世界理論中邊界物(Boundary Object)的概念有助於理解建築維護如何可能。在實作現場中,技術的爭議會不斷地出現,包括了營造過程的瑕疵、技術的非預期性等,這些爭議都可能使技術無法運作下去。H建商的實作案例則提供了另一種可能,建設公司高度介入使用者的維護過程,並成功地重新界定技術課題,進而造成住戶對於技術認知的格式塔轉換,建築綠化技術從建築景觀的概念轉變成一個與自然共生的生態系課題,同時也納入了在舊技術課題中,造成技術危機的毛毛蟲、蚜蟲、水藻、蚊子,用這些非人的出現來強化新技術課題的合理性,也證明了新技術課題的維護成功,使得綠化技術得以按照最初H建商的規劃理念運作。


This paper aims to illuminate both the difficulty of and the key point to building maintenance in the practice field of residential green building in Taiwan, and this paper treats the maintenance of the green building system as a process in which society, technique and users interweave with one another. The social factor points to the policies and the laws concerning building construction, the residential spaces and the features of commodities. It affects the usage of green building construction technology, the normative regulation for building constructors, and the mechanism of building maintenance among dwellers. The technical factor refers to the technical features of variegated green technology, which not only should be responsive to the policies, but also has an effect on the actors, including how the companies design and construct buildings, and dwellers’ agency. The concepts of Interpretive Flexibility from Social Construction of technology Theory (SCOT) and boundary object from Social World Theory shed us a new light to understand how buildings maintenance is possible under the intertwining factors. In practical world, the disputes over technology—the faults produced in the process of design or construction, the unpredictability of the technology—will keep emerging such that implementing new technology seems impossible. Fortunately, the case of H Building Company is a silver lining, proffering another alternative. After finishing the construction, H Building Company keeps highly involved in how dwellers’ maintain their building, and re-identifies technological problems, resulting in dwellers’ gestalt switch on the cognition of technology—that green building technology is now an issue of sustaining a symbiotic relationship with nature in an ecosystem but no longer mere the concept in architectural landscape. As a result, caterpillars, algae, aphids and mosquitos which were once claimed potential threat to technology are now used as a means to justify the indispensability of upgrading new technology on the one hand, and to prove the success of the gestalt switch on the cognition of technology on the other hand, enabling the green technology carried out as H Building Company originally planned.


