  • 學位論文


The Spread, Adoption and Official Control of Firearms in Taiwan's Aboriginal Societies, 1700s-1920

指導教授 : 周婉窈


槍枝,原本並不是原住民族自主發明之物。但在歷史過程中一步步進入了原住民族的社會文化之中。本論文講述的即是此一過程,亦即原住民族如何取得槍枝,如何將槍枝融入到自己的生活文化之中,以及最終被近代國家政府剝奪的過程。 對台灣原住民族而言,槍枝原本來自外來文化,經由漢商走私進入了聚落之中。除了商業走私外,亦從清朝軍隊合法或非法流入到聚落之中,原住民族與漢人接觸的時間部分決定了槍枝傳進部落的時間。但原住民族並非完全被動地接受槍枝,在槍枝傳入的過程中,漢人必須依循原住民族原有的交換方式,甚至必須擁有原住民族的身份,交換才能真正進行,或至少得先依照原住民族之文化與原住民建立友誼關係。而當槍枝由漢人傳入原住民部落後,也持續依循著原有的部落間交換的方式,一步步傳進遠離漢人聚落的高山原住民族部落之中。 當確知槍枝傳入原住民部落的管道後,必須進一步了解槍枝在原住民族社會中是如何運用的。以布農族為例,其在狩獵、獵首、各類祭儀、乃至驅邪、娛樂活動中幾乎是處處可見槍枝的身影。單以狩獵、獵首活動而言,槍枝主要是作為「武器」來使用,但由祭典活動、驅邪治病等活動中的功能我們可以發現,槍枝被布農族賦予了超越了武器此一物質概念外的抽象價值,因此,槍枝最初傳入時或許是依循傳入者漢人影響的武器,但在歷史過程中,布農族已經產生擁有獨特性的槍枝概念,並深刻的融入於自己的社會文化之中了。 因此,當布農族遭遇到新的近代國家之時,雙方在槍枝概念上有了落差。日本殖民政府對於布農族而言是第一個遭遇到的近代國家。無論是出於治安需求亦或是經濟開發,還是如殖民政府官員宣稱般是為了協助原住民族脫離狩獵生活,槍枝都因此成了殖民政府首要關注的對象。由調查開始,日方一步步從掌握原住民族槍枝的來源到登記槍枝彈藥數量,最終強迫原住民族交出手中全部的槍枝,此一過程雖然會隨著地域、對日方反抗程度而有所不同,但日方最終仍對所有原住民族,包含布農族收繳了槍枝。 在突然發生的槍枝收繳後,布農族隨即發動了大幅度的反抗,反抗激烈程度遠遠超過了日方原本的估計,並持續了非常長的時間。為何原本屬於相對和日方友善的「南蕃」的布農族會突然發動如此劇烈的反抗?其因明顯地是因為槍枝收繳,日方始終將槍枝解讀為武器、狩獵生活中的維生工具,因此雖然日方也認同槍枝在布農族中的重要性,但卻止於物質層面,因此認定只要提供新的生活方式,譬如農耕器具給布農族等原住民族就沒問題了。但對於布農族等原住民族而言,槍枝已經以各種形象深深固著於文化之中,槍枝收繳已經不只是維生問題,而是大規模之文化衝突,族人突然間必須放棄大量布農族原有文化,因此才會掀起不顧生命般的激烈反抗,最終布農族依舊反抗失敗,槍枝納入了國家管轄之中,此後對於布農族而言,其概念是否又有所變化,則已經超出本論文處理範圍,但此近代國家與原住民族接觸時的理解歧異性問題,或許仍反覆出現,直到今日仍持續發生著吧。


Firearms are not Taiwanese aborigines own invention, but blend into aborigines’ society and culture gradually. This paper describes the process that Taiwanese aborigines how to get firearms, how firearms blend into aborigines culture, and how the modern governments deprived them of firearms. Firearms came from foreign culture for Taiwanese aborigines. Han people smuggled firearms into tribes. Besides, the Qing army also legally or illegally give the firearms to Taiwanese aborigines. But the Taiwanese aborigines are not passively accepted firearms, Han people must follow the Taiwanese aborigines original rules of exchange, or must have the identity of aborigines to exchange or at least need to establish relationships with aborigines. Firearms continue to spread from one tribe to the other tribe with aborigines own exchange networks. When we know how the firearms spread to Taiwanese aborigines, we need to understand the firearms how to use in the Taiwan’s aboriginal culture. Bunun, for example, its Hunting, Head-hunting and Ceremonies use firearms. In Hunting and Head-hunting, firearms are important weapons. In Ceremonies or other cultures, firearms are not only weapons but also have other meaning. Firearms spread from Han people, but Bunun have produced the unique concept of firearms. Therefore, when Bunun meet the modern government, two sides had disagreement on the firearms. The Japanese colonial government is the first modern government for Bunun. Whether it is for the security needs or economic development, or as the colonial government officials claim that it is for help Taiwanese aborigines to depart from hunting. Firearms had become a primary concern of the colonial government. Starting with the investigation, the colonial government clarified the sources of firearms, and then recorded the number of the firearms in the tribes, finally forced all aborigines give up all firearms. Suddenly Bunun lost all of their firearms, in the meantime Bunun started to resist the colonial government. The resistance is much more than the original estimate on the colonial government and lasted for a very long time. Why are the friendly "southern aborigines " suddenly turn into the "violent barbarian "? Maybe it is the firearms collection. The colonial government always defined firearms as weapons witch used in hunting and head-hunting. While the colonial government also agree with firearms is very important in Bunun, but the importance is just for survive. For Bunun, the firearms have more and deeper meanings in their culture. Firearms collection is not just a question of survival but a cultural conflict. Bunun suddenly must had gave up a lot of their culture, and therefore choose to resist the colonial government. In 20 years’ resistance, Bunun lost the war, and then the firearms were controlled by the colonial government. Maybe the colonial government is gone, but the problem is still a problem now.


