  • 學位論文

居民對山坡地利用衝突之環境態度研究 -以新店安坑掩埋場為例

A Study of Residents’ Environmental Attitudes toward the Use Conflict of Slopeland -A Case Study of Landfills in Hsintien An-kang

指導教授 : 鄭欽龍


摘要 本研究主要目的為探討居民對於山坡地使用衝突之環境態度研究,透過新店安坑掩埋場之個案,了解新店安坑居民環境態度之差異是否會影響其在當地山坡地擬設置一般事業廢棄物掩埋場的態度。本研究蒐集相關文獻後,建立理論架構並設計問卷以進行現場訪談,最後共回收288份問卷。 透過因素分析結果顯示,受訪者之環境態度可分為「環境與經濟取捨因素」、「同理心因素」及「科技與風險因素」三個主要因素。藉此三項因素可將受訪者之環境態度傾向分成「傾向主流社會典範型」、「傾向新環境典範但不具同理心型」及「傾向新環境典範但相信科技型」三個集群。經比較三集群之社經屬性後發現各集群間僅在居住時間及有否參與保育團體兩變數間有顯著相關,且研究結果顯示受訪者的環境態度並不影響其對掩埋場設置之看法及糾紛處理的方式。


Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the residents’ environmental attitudes toward the use conflict of slopeland in An-kang district of Hsintien city and whether the different environmental attitudes will influence their options on setting landfills. This study built up a theoretical structure and design a questionnaire to collect related data by interviewing residents. Then we had 288 questionnaires responded. The results of factor analysis showed that the environmental attitudes of respondents can be clustered into three main factors: (1) the trade-off between the environment and economy, (2) empathy and (3) technology and risk. Based on these factors, we could classify the respondents into three types: group of preferring Dominant Social Paradigm , group of preferring New Environmental Paradigm but without empathy and group of preferring New Environmental Paradigm but accepting risk. Comparing to the three groups’ socioeconomic attributes, we found that residential time period and whether joining environmental organization were two significant different variables among the three groups. And the results also showed that the environmental attitudes of residents had no relationship with their opinions of setting An-kang landfills and the related conflict-resolving approaches.


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