  • 學位論文


Analysis of Industrial Site Redevelopment: Cross-Cases Study of both Hua-Shan 1914 in Taipei and TADA in Taichung

指導教授 : 蔡厚男


自十八世紀工業革命開始,資本積累與工業技術提升,理性思維與功能導向等,使得工業都市化日益蓬勃。歷經了傳統工業城市的發展顛峰與頹敗後,都市中許多曾經發展過的土地被遺棄,形成都市中的棕地 (brownfield),為達到都市永續環境的發展目標,棕地的再發展 (redevelopment)或再生 (regeneration)逐漸被重視。臺灣雖還未引進棕地的概念,然而在全球化與政治經濟條件的影響下,環境變遷、產業外移,工業廢棄地的再生與活化在全球先進國家都已是當前亟欲解決的課題。   本研究從棕地的形成、產生的議題、政策與處理機制進行探討,並檢視文化介入都市空間再生與活化的政策及價值觀的衝突,提出都市活化所需與必要之創意策略,期以地景的手法處理都市中的產業遺址,使其成為絕佳的活化媒介,並以德國魯爾工業區北杜伊斯堡景觀公園做為案例借鏡。回顧國內的產業遺址活化過程,從最初的文化政策出發,發展至現階段以文創產業進駐產業遺址做為活化之主要策略,其時間與空間背景錯綜複雜,因此本研究選擇台灣較早啟動的兩個案例:台北華山 1914文創園區與台中 TADA文創園區進行調查分析,檢視其地景空間、營運模式和政策成效,並且跨案例比較討論,希望能針對文化導向的都市棕地之環境復育再生計畫和執行策略有所建議,使都市永續發展。


Since the start of the Industrial Revolution of the eighteenth century, the accumulation of capital and the improvement of industrial technology, combine with rationalism, and function-oriented, making the industrial urbanization prosperous. After the traditional industrial development, the city reached its peak and decadent, many developed land in the city was abandoned, forming the brownfield sites in the city. In order to achieve the development goals of sustainable urban environment, brownfield re-development or regeneration have been awared gradually. Although Taiwan has not been introduced the concept of brownfield, it is a common issue, whether in environment, offshore migration of business activities and industrial waste land regeneration and revitalization, that developed countries has to deal with. This research starts from the investigating of the issues behind the formation, the policy and the mechanism that dealing with it of brownfields, reviewing the differences between strategies and the conflict of values. Then this research propose a creative strategy of landscapethe approach to deal with urban industrial sites, making it the perfect medium of activation, and learn from Germany's Ruhr industrial area, Duisburg-Nord Landscape Park as a case study. Reviewing the domestic industrial sites to the activation process, starting from the initial cultural policy development to the activation of the main strategy at this stage, the cultural and creative industries stationed in industrial sites. Since the background of time and space are both complex, this study choose two cases that started earlier to analysis: Hua Shan 1914 in Taipei and TADA in Taichung. To view the landscape space, the mode of operation and effectiveness of the policy, with cross-case discussion, hoping to suggest a restoration regeneration plan and implementation strategie for culture-oriented environment of urban brownfield.


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