  • 學位論文


The Political Economy of National Spatial Planning Policy in Taiwan, 1949~2013.

指導教授 : 蕭全政


從威權體制、威權轉型時期的國土規劃醞釀階段,到民主鞏固時期的國土規劃政策階段,戰後臺灣的國土規劃體制與管理政策,直接見證光復後臺灣複雜的政經發展與變遷,而且因而累積了相關的龐雜內容與複雜結構。現行國土規劃政策與體系的內容龐雜、結構複雜,正充分表現於涉及各級主管機關和與土地利害關係人有關的組織與制度之中,也表現在涉及中央與地方政府有關國土規劃政策的分工與協調的國土計畫法之上;而其間所以導致內容龐雜、結構複雜的關鍵,就在於各時期的相關政策中,所有的利害相關行為者,不管是主管機關或土地的利害關係人,都不斷的針對各政策的偏差,進行各種偏差動員。 臺灣的政經體制向來深受殖民文化及外來政經勢力的決定與切割,以致於從未形成其主體性和整體性。除了農地改革外,就算是威權體制下的政府,過去對整體土地的利用和管理,也並沒有完整的規劃和執行,全國性的區域計畫也僅具宣示性效果而不具實質功能;中央對地方層級的都市計畫或區域計畫,根本都缺乏有效的節制。1996年起,政府制訂國土綜合開發計畫,發展出以全國整體為規模的國土規劃政策;在此期間,歷經臺灣快速的政經發展與轉型,國土規劃體制亦隨之調整與更迭,但這修規劃的背後,多為配合經濟建設與國家發展之目的。長久下來,國土空間計畫失去指導整體佈局與實現國家發展願景之機能;因此,使得政府各部門往往各行其事,造成國家資源重疊與浪費。 對於實存的國土規劃政策衍生的爭議與問題,本研究提出七點建議:一、主政者應有明確的國土規劃政策意識形態。二、加強國土規劃政策法制化,並全面檢討國土規劃政策相關法令。三、整合現有國土管理機關、研究機構及設置國土資料庫。四、持續檢視修正國土空間發展策略計畫。五、加速城鄉發展整合。六、加強跨域合作,落實區域適性發展。七、建構與民對話的規劃機制。


Undergoing the stages of authoritarianism, authoritarian transformation, and democratic consolidation, the national spatial planning and management policy in Taiwan has directly influenced by the complicated political and economic development and transition after Taiwan restoration, and hence its multifarious content and complicated structures. Such multifarious content and complicated structures of the national spatial planning policy is perfectly manifested in organizations and institutions concerning all levels of authorities and land stakeholders, as well as in the National Land Planning Act which involves the work division and coordination between the central and local governments regarding the national spatial planning policy. The key factor leading to the extensive content and complex structures is that all the stakeholder actors, either the authorities concerned or the land stakeholders, have constantly carried out mobilization of bias in the light of the bias of the policies over the three stages mentioned in the beginning. The political and economic policies in Taiwan have long been deeply influenced by the colonial cultures and foreign powers, and thus have never formed its own subjectivity and integrity. Except for the farmland, even under the authoritarian regime, the government did not thoroughly plan or implement effective policies to manage the land over the island; the regional planning of the country was rather declaratory than substantial. The central government’s urban planning division also seriously lacked effective control. In 1996, the government announced the National Comprehensive Development Plan, which is first time a national spatial planning policy of the whole country. During this period, with rapid development and transformation, the plan itself also underwent adjustment and change in the aim to help economic and national development. Over the time, the spatial planning has been out of its overall perspective, lacked central control, and failed to fulfill the aim of national development. Therefore, the departments in the government have acted individually and thus enormous national resources have been overlapped and wasted. As for the existing controversy and problems resulting from the national spatial planning policy, this research offers seven suggestions: 1. The authorities concerned should possess a clear ideology in the national spatial planning policy. 2. Carry out the legalization of the national spatial planning, and thoroughly examine the relative laws of the national spatial planning. 3. Reorganize the existing national spatial planning administrations and research institutions, and establish national spatial planning archives. 4. Constantly examine and adjust the strategic plans for national spatial development. 5. Fasten urban and rural development. 6. Strengthen cross-field cooperation and implement regional diversity development. 7. Construct communication and planning systems with the people.


陳慶和、吳瑞賢、劉偉麟、毛振泰,2010,〈永續國土規劃體系架構與方法論之發展〉,《社會與區域發展學報》,2(2): 53-91。
林元興,2009,〈日本國土形成計畫之內容與推行〉,《土地問題研究季刊》,8(3): 10-17。


