  • 學位論文

「天然獨」世代的「島嶼天光」? ——三一八學運中的國族認同與兩岸關係

“Natural Independence” generation’s “Island Sunrise”?—the national identity and cross-strait relations in 318 Movement

指導教授 : 陳明通


2008年伊始,馬英九政府所主導下的兩岸關係曾被許多學者視為是最為「和平與穩定」的時期,並開啟了兩岸關係「制度化」與熱絡化的前奏;但日益加溫的政治氛圍、經貿關係與社會交流,卻顯然未帶予臺灣社會應隨之而來的對中好感與認同。在幾乎為兩岸雙方政府與主流學界所忽視的角落,一個被後來稱作「天然獨」的年輕世代正悄悄萌芽著其獨特的認同,與抵抗的念頭。他們在許多場的公民運動中早留下了身影與記憶,除對那盤旋於臺海上空的「中國因素」幽靈感到憂心與不甘,更在一次又一次的運動與日常生活的實踐中,逐步學習與累積著那些關於政治與抵抗的技能,甚至行動。而也似乎直至「三一八學運」的爆發,整個世界才注意到他們的吶喊與執著。 2014年3月,肇因《海峽兩岸服務貿易協議》在立法院內政委員會審查中的「程序不正義」爭議,而引起長達28天的史上首次佔領國會事件,最終成為一場被世人稱為「三一八學運」(或稱「太陽花學運」)的公民運動。三一八學運不僅直接造成對政府政策的改變,更對臺灣的公民運動樣貌乃至兩岸關係展開了嶄新篇章。更在其過程中與之後,讓一整個被稱作是「天然獨」的年輕世代終於躍上國際與社會的眼前,並持續透過實際的行動與參與,影響著國內政治、大陸政策與兩岸關係的未來。 本文透過對三一八學運的相關研究與論述,並與事件有關的文本、結構與脈絡之分析;並採取現象學研究途徑,以國族制度、認知之框與情感結構為分析架構,探討「天然獨」世代的「國族認同」其內涵。包括「天然獨」世代在三一八學運爆發前的國族與公民運動脈絡、其對於「臺灣」與「中國」的認知與認同,以及對於「中國因素」所展現的認知與情感等。嘗試描繪與歸納出「天然獨」世代的國族認同樣貌,並對未來兩岸關係將帶來的持續影響與轉變。


Cross-strait relations conducted under the Ma Ying-Jeou government was regarded as the most “peaceful and stable” period by many scholars and it initiated the prelude to the institutionalization and warm-up of cross-strait relations since the beginning of the year 2008. However, the good impression and recognition of China did not come along with the heating political atmosphere, economic and trade relations , and social exchanges in Taiwan society. At a corner almost neglected by the cross-strait governments and mainstream academia, an unique recognition and resistant mind have unwittingly germinated among the “Natural Independence” young generation. The “Natural Independence” young generation has already left their shapes and memories left the impressions in many citizen movements. They not only express their worries and reluctance to the “China factor” that hovered over the Taiwan Strait like phantom, but also gradually learn and accumulate political and resistance skills ,and even the actions in the practices of movements and daily life time after time. Yet, the world seems never notice their shouts and insistence until the eruption of “318 Movement”. In March 2014, due to the dispute about “Procedural Injustice” during the review on “The Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement” by Internal Administration Committee of the Legislative Yuan, Taiwan evoked the first up to twenty-eight days congress-occupied event in history, eventually known to the world as “318 Movement” citizen movement (commonly referred to as the “Sunflower Movement”). “318 Movement “not only directly caused the government policy changes, but also started a new chapter of/developed Taiwan citizen movements and cross-strait relations. Furthermore , in the process of and after the movement ,a whole young generation named “Natural Independence” has finally jumped to the eyes in front of international and society /attracted the society and public’s attention worldwide and continue to influence the future of domestic politics, China’s policies and cross-strait relations through their practical actions, and participation. This paper focuses on the analysis of mobilizing structure and cultural framing during the movement process through reviewing the related texts, structures, and context of the 318 Movement and adopts the phenomenological research channel. Taking institutions, cognitive frames, and structures of feeling as the analytic framework, the “national identity” connotation of “Natural Independence” generation will be explored , including the context of “Natural Independence” generation’s national and citizen movements including “Natural Independence” generation’s national and citizen movements context before the eruption of 318 Movement, the cognition and recognition of “Taiwan” and “China”, as well as the cognition and emotion expressed to the “China Factor”. The content is in an attempt to portray and classify the appearance of national identity of “Natural Independence” generation the appearance of “Natural Independence” generation’s national identity and the continuing influence and transformation they bring to cross-strait relations in the future.


One More Story公民的聲音團隊(2014)。《那時我在:公民聲音318-410》。新北:無限。
