  • 學位論文


The Spatial Negotiation between Householders, Grille and Houses

指導教授 : 畢恆達


過去針對鐵窗的研究中,研究者透過住戶的集體心理及台灣特殊的社會背景,分析了台灣人的鐵窗需求;但他們卻常與公部門及主流輿論相同,預設鐵窗為一種不符合現代性想像的落後象徵。本研究將透過文本分析及對住戶的訪談,來探討鐵窗如何被化約為負面形象,住戶又面對了何種居住困境,造成他們違背主流觀點地裝設鐵窗。 過去鐵窗曾是推行現代化政策的一環,後因竊盜、火警事件而轉變為無用、有害之物,又在現代化及後工業轉向的過程中,被塑造為道德、美學上的有礙之物,或透過精品化轉為象徵高級品味的有益之物。鐵窗的合法性及管制方式,也由違建處理逐漸轉為藝術化、綠化,或以景觀層次進行管理。鐵窗之所以盛行,是因過去台灣住宅設計的標準平面缺乏使用者經驗,造成居住功能失調,促使住戶需透過鐵窗來舒緩日常生活的失序。過程中,住戶也會與鐵窗地景、主流觀點及現實因素進行協商,發展出基於理性的妥協作為。 住戶與非正式營造系統共同打造的鐵窗地景,雖不符合主流觀點的視覺秩序要求,卻能充分滿足住戶的居住需求,豐富了城市的功能性及多樣性。鐵窗文化或許有需要改善之處,但它隱含著台灣常民的生命力,不該是一個該被全盤否定的文化。


Many studies explained the need of grille through the aspect of householders’ collective mentalities or Taiwan’s social background. Not only researchers but also the government sectors usually presume that grille as a symbol of backwardness which does not match the imagined modernity. Through text analysis and interviews, this thesis will take a closer look at how the negative image had fallen upon grille and in what circumstance people still chose to use them in spite of the common opinion. In the past, grille was a part of the government’s modernization policy, and then was considered useless and even harmful because it often failed to prevent theft and became obstacle of evacuation while on fire. In steps of modernization, grille was transformed into an obstruction to ethic and aesthetic qualities, or shaped into a symbol of highbrow tastes by gentrification. The legitimacy of windows also changed from the governance of building violations to artistry, greening or landscape. The prevalence of grille is because of the standard floor plan of residences which lacked for users’ experience in Taiwan. It induced the imbalance of residential function and made householders installed grille to mitigate the disorder of everyday life. In this process, householders did some negotiation through the grille landscape, public opinion and the limit from the reality, and then developed some compromise acts based on their sense. The grille landscape is developed by householders and informal building system. It may not be accepted by the visual order from the mainstream view, but it not only fulfills the householders’ living needs but also enriches the city’s function and diversity. The culture of grille in Taiwan might have something to improve, but it shows the vitality of residence, and therefore should not be seen as a totally negative culture.


