  • 學位論文


The Southeastern Literati and Politics between the Tang and Song Dynasty

指導教授 : 陳弱水


南方士人在北宋中期的崛起,乃中國歷史上極為顯著的歷史現象。它一方面標誌著中國文化重心南移的完成,另方面則確立了東南地帶在近世中國的主導地位。然而,此重大現象的形成背景,迄今仍缺乏全面且系統的爬梳,這個研究上的空白,遂成了本研究的起點。 本論文選取在宋初文化界極為活躍的東南士人──主要是指淮南、江南、江西、兩浙、福建──作為主要觀察對象;另方面,則將範圍鎖定在對其影響至深的南唐政權主要轄境:江淮一帶。在章節安排上,本文主要依循時序而下,從唐末黃巢之亂爆發的874年考察起,終於南唐政權為北宋所滅的974年。至於考察的焦點,則置於東南士人的自身文化發展,與政治對其造成的外緣影響,這兩大線索之上。職是之故,本論文依次討論了東南士人與唐末朝廷、江淮各自立政權、楊吳,以及南唐諸政權的交互關係。 經由本文的討論,可以知道東南士人早在唐末便已享有極高的文化聲望與優勢,然而當他們步入為世家大族把持的科場與宦場時,卻時常得面臨各種有形無形的阻礙,難以打入政權核心。前述的局面,為唐末大亂所打破,大批東南士人不再遠赴京師尋求發展,轉而滯留鄉里,或與鄰近的自立政權合作。作為其中一股重要勢力的楊吳政權(892-937),在十世紀前後結束了江淮一帶的戰事,令當地的文化事業得以穩定發展。其後,在其重臣徐溫、徐知誥父子的有意建設下,楊吳開始逐步展開了其「文治」進程。繼其而立的南唐(937-974),更進一步深化此趨勢,成為一高度「文官化」、「士人化」的政權,其轄下士人也因而在政治上獲得許多發揮的空間。 唐宋之際東南士人的文化積累,並沒有隨著南唐亡國而逝,反倒以一種文化遺產的樣態,寄託在宋初東南士人身上,透過其中介與傳衍,最終得對北宋士人文化發揮出重大的引領作用。也正是靠著這股雄厚的文化基底,東南士子方得以突破宋初統治者「重北輕南」的取士方針,大舉湧入仕途,逐步扭轉宋代統治階層的組成結構。


The rise of southern literati東南士人 in the middle of the New Song Dynasty (960-1127) was an eminent phenomenon in the Chinese history. On one hand, this phenomenon symbolized the shift of Chinese cultural centre from north to south; on the other hand, the phenomenon was intimately related to the emergence of Southeast regions as a core of Chinese cultural lives in the Late Imperial China. However, the background of this important phenomenon had still not been clarified comprehensively and systematically, which became the main subject for this thesis aiming to deal with. This thesis chooses the Southeastern (including Huainan淮南, Jiangnan江南, Jiangxi江西, Zhejiang浙江amd Fujian福建) literati whose reputations were widely respected by republic of letters of the early Song Dynasty, as the principle subject of this research. Meanwhile, since many Southeastern literati of the early Song came from Sothern Tang南唐 (937-974), the biggest southern regime in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms五代十國, its primary territory, which means Jiang-huai, would become the primary scope of geographical investigation in this study. The base point of this thesis was set in 874, the year when Huang Chao Rebellion erupted, and the end point was set in 974, the year when Sothern Tang was conquered by Northern Song. The main concern of this thesis is a twofold one: the first is about the cultural identity of the Southeastern literati in terms of how they accumulated their own cultural superiority between Tang and Song Dynasty? The second is about the relation between politics and culture in terms of the influence of the government on the Southeastern literati at this stage. In order to elaborate these two themes, this study will emphasize on the Southeastern literati’s interactions with the late Tang royal court, the Jiang-huai military governments, the Wu and the Southern Tang in sequential order. This study argues that the Southeastern literati possessed significant cultural power and prestige during late Tang. Despite their cultural superiority, they could not transform their cultural influences into political achievement in the late Tang, due to the fact the politics was monopolized by the Medieval aristocracy. However, the tremendous turmoil of late Tang thoroughly smashed aforementioned situation. Considering the unrest circumstances, many Southeastern literati chose to retreat to or stay in their homeland, while co-operating with Jiang-huai military governments. Around the tenth century, the Yang Xing-Mi bloc楊行密集團, a major force of the Jiang-huai military governments, initiatively pacified the war in Jiang-huai area. This progress relieved the literati from the warfare, which in turn benefitted the cultural development of the Jiang-huai government. Thereafter, led by the chief minister Xu Wen徐溫 and Xu Chi Kao徐知誥, the Wu kingdom undertook a series of reforms that emphasized on the scholarization of bureaucrats. Sothern Tang, the successor of Wu kingdom, not only inherited the policy of reformation, but deepened its degree to the extreme level. In the late Sothern Tang (943-974), the scholarized bureaucrats, lots of them were literati, had become the most powerful group in politics. In this trend, Southeastern literati obtained more and more opportunities to join this regime, which naturally returned to promote the growth of Southeastern literati. The cultural accumulation of Southeastern literati between Tang and Song Dynasty did not vanish along with the decadence of Southern Tang; instead, the Southeastern literati of the early Song were significantly indebted to this heritage. Meanwhile, by way of conclusion, the legacy of these literati was to be significantly influential to the literal culture of the North Song.




