  • 學位論文


From collective representation to daily-life simulation: The change of the meaning in Taiwan funeral paper offerings

指導教授 : 畢恆達


本研究探討西元兩千年後台灣紙紮新文化的生成,人與紙紮物件之間的關係與角色。主要目的是了解人與紙紮物件通過製作、購買以及使用的意義轉折,以及如何透過物的形式、象徵與儀式的展演,延續此世與彼世的社會關係。研究者採用訪談紙紮業者以及紙紮的購買者(使用者),以及新聞與網路平台文本分析作為主要研究方法。 首先,傳統紙紮文化在殯葬治理的轉型以及環保意識的提倡後逐漸式微,同時新型紙紮文化因而萌芽。在這過程中透過宗教、信仰、信念與生死觀的更迭,轉換了物的象徵意義與角色。從傳統的符號象徵,逐漸轉為日常生活中因愛而燒鏈結,與兩個世界對話的媒介。其次,通過紙紮產業的轉型,新興的紙紮文化扭轉了過去以金錢為主的白包文化,進而延伸出送給往生者的「禮物」文化,作為禮物的過程中。其物的意涵包含了日常生活的記憶延伸,以及社會關係的展演。最後,在現今守護信仰與空氣污染的爭論下,紙紮新文化可能是文化保存與環保意識衝擊中生存下來的方針。


紙紮 物的意義 死後世界 擬真 死亡儀式


This thesis deals with the relationship between humanity and paper offerings after the formation of a new culture of Taiwan paper offerings. The main purpose is to understand the change of the meanings between people and paper offerings through the process of production, purchase and usage. In addition, how did the form, the symbolic, and the ritual performance of the paper offerings connect this world and afterworld was also explored. Through in-depth interview as well as news and internet data, the author concludes the following findings. Firstly, the traditional paper offering culture has been declining in the change of the etiquette governance and the increasing emphasis of the consciousness of environmental protection. Meanwhile, the new culture of paper offerings was born during this period. New culture depends on the view of death in Confucianism and Taoism. In Confucianism, it is said that we should love our family and embrace filial piety so that we do not need to be afraid of death, on the other hand, the fear of death is manifested in the taboo of the Taoist funeral. Therefore, in the past when we gave paper offerings to dead person, it represented we were scared of them, but now it stands for our love of them. Secondly, the new culture has changed from white envelope to gift. And the meaning of the gift is composed of the extension of everyday life and the performance of social relationship between people and dead persons. In the end, in terms of the controversy between paper offering culture and environmental protection, the transformation of the paper offering in 2000s is possible to become one solution to cultural conservation.


