  • 學位論文


Exploring Change in Public Trust of Newspaper and Television Media After Taiwan’s First Post-Democratization Party Turnover:An Analysis of Four Surveys Between 2001 and 2014

指導教授 : 陳明通


兩千年臺灣首次政黨輪替,為民主的實質發展立下里程碑,本論文據此為起點;從2001到2014年,以這十四年為時間軸,重大事件為節點,鉅觀探討臺灣民眾對報紙與電視媒體的信任變遷及原因探索。 本研究發現十四年來,臺灣傳統主流媒體-報紙與電視的信任變遷趨勢,皆呈現信任比例不斷滑落,不信任比例持續攀升;何以臺灣歷經言論禁錮的年代,媒體的自由化卻沒帶來深度民主化,這十四年間臺灣社會裡什麼樣受眾的社群結構,不信任傳統媒體?背後隱藏哪種牢而不破的潛意識框架?筆者嘗試從臺灣閱聽眾的人口結構和社會屬性以及政黨傾向,以實證研究辨析這些變數,是否是影響媒體信任的因素。 而本論文的重要發現是,尤其臺灣民眾的「政黨傾向」,深切影響信任報紙及電視媒體與否的關鍵。研究結果與過去國內不少相關文獻一致,皆指向政黨傾向泛藍認同者較相信傳統媒體;無庸置疑地,這與臺灣民主化前的政治歷史結構有關,且特定政黨偏好者較信任媒體,甚至延續到臺灣解嚴後近三十年,乃至政黨輪替後已進入民主成熟期,堪稱一特殊現象。但泛綠認同者就一定不信任媒體嗎?本研究發現泛綠認同者,對於信任報紙或電視媒體與否是具有差異性的,得推估當時執政當局是否是自己支持對象才能加以判斷。


The very first political party alternation in 2000 marked the milestone of the democratic development in Taiwan. Hence, based on which, this paper explores the shift of public trust towards newspaper and TV media and identifies its underlying reasons from 2001 to 2014, supporting the timeline with major events. The study discovered a descending trend in public trust both in traditional mainstream media, newspaper and television, and public distrust continued to increase. It brings us the question- how Taiwan, a country that has long been deprived of the freedom of speech, does not bring forth comprehensive democratisation when its media had been extensively liberalised? What type of community structure the audience form during the past 14 years, to distrust traditional media? Is there any ideological frame hidden in this phenomenon? The author of the paper attempted to analyse the variables of the population structure of the audience and preference in the political party through empirical research to determine factors influencing media trust. The finding of this paper is that the "political party preference" of Taiwanese residents is the critical reason influencing trust toward newspapers and television media. The results of the study are consistent with many of the relevant literatures in the past, which unanimously agreed that pan-KMT (pan-blue parties) tend to trust traditional media; unquestionably, the results are related to the historical and political structure before Taiwanese demoncratization. Supporters of specific political parties are more inclined to trust media, and this tendency has continued to exist 30 years after the lift of martial law in Taiwan until the country's reach to democratic maturity after the party alternation, making this phenomenon unique to Taiwanese political ecology. However, can one say pan-DPP (pan-green parties) will certainly not trust the media? The study found that the trust from pan-green supporters toward newspapers and television media are not consistent, and is depending on whether the ruling party has the same political preference (pan-DPP).


陳陸輝(2006)。《台灣民眾政治信任的起源及其政治效果》。(國科會專題研究計畫成果報告 NSC 93-2414-H-004-037-SSS)。臺北市:國立政治大學選舉研究中心。
