  • 學位論文


The Spatial Politics of Taipei SONG-SHAN Airport

指導教授 : 徐進鈺


國家空間策略轉型引動城市發展的權力變動,具體反映在臺北國際航空站,由於航空運輸牽涉國家主權,航權談判與航道分配向來被視為國家責任和資產,航空相關產業的特殊性質使得管轄權一向掌握在中央政府手中;在台灣,松山機場的所有權與管理權就是隸屬行政院交通部民航局以及國防部,然而松山機場位在台北市土地範圍之內,而儘管市政府無權干涉其任何發展、卻又不可避免的必須為該空間對於周遭市民生活的影響及土地發展表達關切,甚至評估城市空港可以帶動城市的經濟效應。 本文將以三層次論述機場的政治化空間特性,首先談論城市內部權力結構在機場議題中的糾結,引發了政治權力爭奪;其次在於中央與地方空間再尺度化,論述當中央與地方政治光譜或者一致、或者不一致,皆可觀察到跨尺度的衝突、對立與合作;第三層次將以東亞區域為論述空間,談論兩岸跨境經濟帶動空間連結的需求,特別在2008年國民黨新掌政之後,兩岸新空間關係也在松山機場議題中發酵。


The transformation of national spatial strategies that triggers the shift of political power in the development of Taipei city is reflected upon Taipei SONG-SHAN Airport. Air transportation, which is closely connected to a country’s sovereignty, has always been deemed as the responsibility and asset of a nation. The jurisdiction of the aviation related industries, as a result, belong to the central government as always. In Taiwan, the ownership and administrative rights of Taipei SONG-SHAN Airport belong to the Civil Aeronautics Administration, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the Executive Yuan and The Ministry of National Defense. Taipei City government thus is not authorized in the development of Taipei SONG-SHAN Airport, despite the fact that it is situated in Taipei city. The city government, however, has to pay attention to the impact the airport brings upon the lives of the citizens, the development of land and even evaluate the economic impact triggered by city airport. This essay discusses about the politicized space of the relation among airport issue from three dimension; first, the complexity within the power structure of Taipei city under the issue of Taipei SONG-SHAN Airport, which induced the fight for political power. Second, the rescaling of centralized and localized space seen whether the local and central governments meet in the political spectrum or not. Third, centering on the East Asia region: discuss the cross boarder economic activities across the Taiwan strait that triggers the need for spatial connectivity. This new cross-strait spatial relationship continues to develop especially after the KMT took office in 2008.


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