  • 學位論文


Startup Fever: The Development and Evolution of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem–A Case Study on the Taipei Metropolitan Area

指導教授 : 陳良治


隨著全球創業熱潮興起,近年來對「創業生態系統」的研究引發人們關注。然而,由於創業研究先天涉及多重尺度與變數的複雜性,使得創業生態系統研究亦面臨相同的挑戰,容易流於靜態分析、規範性框架、矽谷為尊之套套邏輯等問題,致使缺乏理論發展脈絡與實用價值。因此,本研究企圖以台北創業生態的發展為例,透過歷史文獻梳理、數十場深入訪談,以及創業活動現場的參與觀察紀錄,採取動態性的觀點,期以理解創業生態的演化發展機制、互動及影響。 研究發現主要有三:首先,千禧年後由於投資優惠抵減政策的取消,本地早期投資新創的活動急遽滑落,而政府資金適時地補充支持了創業環境的發展。然而,政府面對產業推動不確定性與風險,以及法規防弊限制下,使得長期接受政府委託中介的創育機構,逐漸反而成為在第一線幫助新創,兼而滿足政府或投資者需求的關鍵行動者。再者,為了減輕新創培育計畫的風險,約自2010年以後,台北地區的創育機構紛紛改變了既有營運型態,從長期以研發為核心的育成模式,轉變成以募資培訓、行銷媒合的加速器模式。這種方式催化了育成輔導的消耗週期,在地新創企業如同各方競逐的商品般,引發本地新創質量供給上的挑戰,迫使這些創育機構彼此串接,以爭取更多新創企業的合作機會。第三,晚近隨著更多創育機構逐漸累積跨國人脈,競獎策展與投資經驗下,本地創業生態逐漸浮現再中介化的現象,差異化定位促成了專業分工網絡的形成。而2014年春天爆發的太陽花學運,政府為造福年輕人大量推出創業相關政策,越發誘使出更多行動者出現,帶來新科技的炒作及產業部門的擴散,亦集體地引動諸多公共倡議與社會行動。 基於研究發現,本研究接軌於演化經濟學門傳統與制度理論為分析框架,歸納出創業生態演化之動力,源自位於市場邊陲之創業創新行動,呈現高度風險與不確定性;在地新創企業於創業生態中快速流動導致商品化,造成供給稀缺;以及中介者藉由資訊不對稱維繫交易成本優勢,持續驅動生態演化等因素,以此綜合推演出創業生態演化機制與動態模型,作為主要學理上的貢獻。作者認為,這些中介者之培育機制如同生態演化的基因,發揮了關鍵作用,影響其承載的創育機構等中介行動者,在彼此學習競合過程中,集體地維繫創業氛圍,滿足制度性的需求。 簡言之,回顧本地創業生態的發展歷程,可以得知公部門與中介機構協力,策略性地持續強化公共設施及支援服務網絡等社會性資本,以暫時調和在地早期投資動能不足的缺口。晚近則伴隨生態行動者的多元化,鑲嵌於國家治理體系,逐步孵育出本地創業生態獨有的公共意識與認同,扮演探索創新解方的跨界平台,並憑藉制度擴散與轉軌的契機,延續創業生態發展。最後,本研究認為,當國家選題模式逐漸褪色,特別在數位經濟時代中,創新創業之影響與風險卻日漸增強的情況下,有別於矽谷這些以強資本驅動的發展模式,仍舊遙不可及的情況下,本地創業生態20年來的發展經驗,應值得作為其他後進國家或城市,在推動創業政策上的實用參照。


The research of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem (EE) has attracted attention in recent years with the rise of the global entrepreneurship boom. However, because of the complexity of the multi-dimensions in entrepreneurship research involved, current EE researches often have problems with over static-analysis, normative guidelines without context, and tautology in the way of Silicon Valley. Therefore, the study takes an evolutionary approach and institutional analysis in Taipei EE developments in the past 20 years as the case. Since 2015, it started through literature and historical document review, dozens of interviews, startup events, and meetings with a dynamic perspective of view to attempt to understand the evolutionary development mechanism, interaction, and influence among actors in the local ecosystem. Thus, the significant findings are as follows. First, after the early-stage investment activities sliding down sharply after the millennium year due to the cancellation of the investment tax deductions policy, the public budgets timely complemented to support of the entrepreneurial milieu. However, When the government confronts industry-promotion uncertainty and regulatory restrictions, the incubator institutions incrementally substitute to assist startups in the front line for simultaneously achieving the missions from the government and investors. Second, to ease the risk of the programs to assist startups, since 2010, the local incubators changed the business model from the long-term incubation to the short-term accelerator model which is learned from Y Combinator to help startups by pitch training, business development, and fundraising. The way accelerated the consumption cycle of the local startups with following up on the quality and quantity problem. To resolve the scarce, the incubation institutions mutually collaborate and introduce more Startups and entrepreneurs to each other. Third, recently as these startup program actors gradually accumulated the capacities of the global connection, exhibition, curation, and investment experience, differentiation and re-mediation were emerging and facilitated the incubation service network with diverse professionals. In the spring of 2014, since the Sunflower Student Movement occurred suddenly, the government afterward launched a large number of the entrepreneurial policies to benefit the young generation, ultimately produced more incubation players and institutions in the ecosystem. Consequently, the EE was expanded and diffused to other industries rapidly as collective actions mixed with technology buzzword hype, public initiatives, and social actions. Based on the results, the research follows in the evolutionary tradition and institutional theories as the foundation to analysis EE, the author generalizes three concepts to explain the evolutionary mechanism of EE: the adaptation to the uncertainty on the market boundary, the fast and scarce commodity of the startups, and the intermediary to maintain the advantage of transaction cost by the information asymmetry over the others, to conduct a dynamic evolutionary EE model as the theoretical contribution in the dissertation. The author also argues that the incubation programs, like the bio function of the gene, plays a critical role to the carriers, the intermediary institutions, make them acting like entrepreneurs to learn collaboratively and competitively with each other, and collectively maintain the EE milieu to fulfill the institutional functional and value locally. In conclusion, by considering the local development of the EE, we can learn the government collaborates with the intermediary institutions strategically to raise the volume of social capital by the infrastructure and service network to temporarily resolve the startup-fundraising problems. Besides, lately with the diverse development of these actors embedded into the system of the state’s governance, the local EE incubated the public awareness and local identity as a cross-border platform for exploring the innovative solution. Thus, the process of the institutional diffusion and transition has turned out to be an opportunity to continue the EE’s life cycle. Especially when the model of national champions is getting weak, but the risk keeps rising in the innovation and entrepreneurship of the digital era, the author argues that when those advance regions with substantial financial capital seems still too far for the latecomers to catch up, the evolution of the Taipei's EE in the past 20 years would be a useful reference as a much practical model.


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