  • 學位論文

戰後我國入出國管理政策之分析: 1949-2010

Analysis on Taiwan’s Post-War Entry and Exit Policy:1949-2010

指導教授 : 蕭全政


入出國管理無論在法理或是實踐上,均可謂國家安全的第一道防線,在國家社會整體利益的保障,有其不可否認的重要性。本文研究旨趣,係以政經環境與偏差動員之分析觀點,研究戰後我國入出國管理政策變遷的歷史脈絡與因果關係。依當時政經環境與政策特性,本文將我國入出國管理政策區分為「威權統治」、「國際孤立」、「民主轉型」與「全球競合」四時期。研究發現,1949年國府遷臺後,政府藉由軍情共治的入出國管理政策,維護國家安全與威權統治,營造出對外封閉的社會及共同社會價值,以鞏固執政黨的統治基礎。當失去美國奧援後,我國於1971年退出聯合國,日漸孤立於國際社會之外。為重獲民眾支持,入出國管理走向開放,配合國家經濟發展的大政方針,奠定了入出國管理長期開放運作與現代化作業的基礎。1987年解嚴後,臺灣開始民主化,在社會多元化的趨力下,入出國管理政策重新檢討,最終成立專責單位,因應社會需求。歷經2008年第二次政黨輪替,臺灣的民主已經鞏固。然而,在全球化犯罪與恐怖主義威脅下,入出國管理業務面臨來自國際的壓力與兩岸交流帶來的艱鉅挑戰,乃開始建構高科技化的國際性大型資訊系統,邁入專業化與高科技化的方向。 本文除彙整研究過去入出國管理政策變遷的各種影響因素外,在結論中更進一步參酌國內外對未來環境發展的預測,指出未來我國入出國管理可能面臨的問題與挑戰,並建議入出國管理機關應先加強人員與管理機制品質,提高風險管理能力、強化對未來環境掌握,以院級或國安層級之協調機制,輔助入出國管理政策之決策與執行,以克盡國家安全把關責任與落實政府良善治理目標。


Entry and Exit Management, as the first fortress of national security, holds undeniable importance to a nation’s overall benefits. The broad objective of this study is to explore the changing trends and causality in Taiwan’s post-war entry and exit policy via political economy analysis based on the perspective of mobilization of bias. Based on the attributes of Taiwan’s political and economy environments, the history of Taiwan’s post-war entry and exit policy is divided to 4 eras: “Authoritarian Era”, “International Isolation Era”, “Democracy Transformation Era” and “Global Coopetition Era.” This study shows that KMT Government created a closed society and thus a solid ruling basis via a military-intelligence co-controlled entry and exit policy after relocating to Taiwan in 1949. When losing the US support in 1970s, the R.O.C. in Taiwan not only withdrawed from United Nations in 1971, but was since isolated from the international society. In order to regain public support from Taiwanese people, the KMT Government changed to take aim on economic development and managed to open up its control of Taiwan society. This policy change had founded the open operation and modernization of latter entry and exit policy in Taiwan. After the termination of martial law in 1987, Taiwan was gradually democratized and hence a plural society was formed. Entry and exit policy was reviewed and renewed to match the society’s new needs, and National Immigration Agency was established in 2007 to take charge of border control and immigration affairs. Now that Taiwan has stepped into democracy consolidation after the second party alternation in power in 2008. However, despite the achievement of democratization, what awaited the KMT Ma government are new challenges of global crimes, terrorist attacks, pressure from international politics and the changing cross-strait relations. With challenges above, Taiwan’s entry and exit management is continuously specialized, adopting state-of-the-art technologies to construct large international information systems. In conclusion, this study not only collates influencing factors of entry and exit policy changes but predicts potential challenges to Taiwan’s entry and exit management by referring to future prediction reports from domestic and international think tanks. Suggestions for the National Immigration Agency and decision-makers are outlined as follow: (1) Strengthening risk management capacity, (2) Enhancing future prediction and improving policy quality by scenario-based decision making, (3) Assisting policy coordination by a higher level decision-making mechanism (EY level or National-Security level), (4) Improving quality of personnel and management mechanisms.


高雄柏,2010,〈黃海演習:美國霸權正在東亞行動 〉,《海峽評論》,237,http://www.haixiainfo.com.tw/SRM/237-7951.html。


