  • 學位論文


The Political Marketing of Taipei Mayor Election in 2010- A Case Study of KMT and DPP Candidates

指導教授 : 陳明通


隨著台灣受到民主化浪潮的影響,以及民眾對於政治思想的開放,再加上各種媒體管道的普及與發達,使得候選人處於現今競爭激烈的政治環境中,必須思考如何突破傳統的選舉模式,將以往單純的競選活動運用有效的行銷策略,讓選民可以在眾多的候選人中選擇支持自己。 本文研究2010 年舉行的台北市長選舉,以國民黨和民進黨的候選人為個案,藉著觀察選舉過程輔以訪談雙方的競選團隊成員,探討郝龍斌與蘇貞昌兩位候選人的政治行銷過程,包括候選人的形象定位以及行銷策略的規畫與呈現,並從中比較雙方的差異。研究發現兩位候選人在行銷過程中都充分運用了網路媒介進行宣傳,也透過社群網站來傳遞競選資訊並與網友互相交流。此外,除了在一般的商業活動會見到以美女來提升廣告效果外,在政治行銷中也可以發現有美女助選來吸引選民注意的情況。而且在這次選舉當中,由雙方陣營所推出的文宣以及競選活動都能看出政治行銷的方式具有多元性,主要是以淡化政治訊息的方式,並採用更具創意活潑的形式來進行包裝宣傳。


Nowadays, Taiwan is influenced by the trend toward democratization and the publics’open-minded to political thinking. Besides, each media channels are popular and well-developed. These phenomena make candidates have to think about how to break through the traditional election mode under competitive political environment. Among many candidates, they will use more efficient marketing strategies to get approvals from voters rather than the past simple campaign activities. This research aimed at the 2010 Taipei mayor election which is based on the case of candidates of KMT and DPP. Through watching the election progress and visiting the campaign members which come from both side, to discuss the political marketing process of Mr. Hau Lung-bin and Mr. Su Tseng-chan. including the images of candidates and the presents of marketing strategies ,then compare the discrepancies between the both sides. The research noticed that both of candidates fully use the media channels to promote and propagate during the marketing process. They also use social media networks to deliver campaign information and communicate with net friends. In addition, we can see the beauties appear in normal business activities to promote advertise effects. Besides, there are also many beauties attend the campaign to attract the voters. Furthermore, both of the propagandas and campaign activities of political marketing from two sides show the diversity. It mainly weakens the political messages and uses more creative and active ways to promote and propagate the campaign activities.


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