  • 學位論文


Integrating BIM and Geomatics Techniques for Construction Quality Control

指導教授 : 韓仁毓


近十年來,建築資訊模型(Building Information Modeling, BIM)技術逐步被廣泛應用於建築設計、土木基礎建設與營造產業上,BIM以完整充足的三維資訊、物件信息滿足建物生命週期中各階段使用者的需求,然而當前於施工階段之研究偏重於電腦模擬,其原因在於BIM難以應構造物實際建設狀況進行比對修正。 為提升BIM三維模型等既有資料之使用效率,本研究目標在於自檢核人員的記錄習慣中,增加以擴增實境的方式輔助影像資料之蒐集,並以此實境方式提供檢核人員全面性的參考,進行實際與設計上之視覺比對。將影像資訊回傳至電腦進行運算後,導入影像測量技術進行三維空間位置之定位,提升影像資訊的正確性與穩定度,再以影像敷貼技術結合BIM三維模型,進一步檢討實際結構的正確性,或供後續比對之查驗紀錄。成果顯示,本研究所提出之方法可有效偵測模型與實景的差異,並以電腦輔助判斷施工實際進度、量化估驗計價所需之資訊,進而提升整體工程營造專案之品質與管理效益。


Since conventional practice on construction management could easily lead to miscommunication and errors, Building Information Modeling, called BIM, has then been introduced as a useful tool for helping communicate among civil engineers and for ensuring quality control. Sharing the knowledge resource and information of the facility in BIM enables managers to manage construction more effectively and efficiently. BIM focuses on construction management and technology integration; however, detecting defects in reality or supporting real-time quality control is difficult to implement in this system. Therefore, in order to improve the efficiency of existing data usage, such as BIM 3D model, this study aims to establish a system to assist site managers to complete spatial information acquisition in Augmented Reality. By transfering the spatial information to the BIM 3D model, and importing geomatics technique for image positioning can enhance the correctness and stability of image orientation. At last, with texture mapping techniques, managers can review the correctness of the actual structure and can complete the inspection records with 3D models, mapped with photorealistic textures. The results showed that the method proposed provides managers a comprehensive reference for comparing the differences between models and practical facility, and for determining the actual progress of construction efficiently. Through this integration, this approach can come up with the real-time model immediately and can improve the quality and management of the overall construction.


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