  • 學位論文


The Comparison between International Environment Laws and Cross-Straits Marine Environmental protection Laws

指導教授 : 柯澤東


海洋生物資源豐富,且具流動性與再生性,以往人們借助海洋的再生能力無盡的開發並破壞海洋環境生態,但現今人類已嘗到苦果。現今各國都已投入對海洋資源的保護研究。如何在開發使用上,不破壞其再生能力又能得到最大開發,是國際社會所普遍面臨到的難題,各國及區域統合組織皆制定國際規範及國內法,對全球海洋環境問題,期能加以共同遵守與維護。 本論文以文獻探討法和比較研究法,從討論海洋環境保護之立法及防治污染立法等為先驅,並藉國際環境法(海洋法公約),探討台灣及中國之實踐作為及國際法立法趨勢,藉比較法之敘述,瞭解國際公約之締約國家(中國)及我國相關法令之規定的差異,再依習慣國際法及條約國際法所賦予之法理基礎,作為評斷兩岸海洋環境保護各種污染源之準繩。 在觀察兩岸的海洋環境保護法時也發現,我國的《海洋污染防治法》的制定雖有參閱《海洋法公約》,並比照國際規範來約制海洋污染的行為,但由於政府未有完善的機制來統合行政與立法制度層面,且國內對海洋環保部門並未予以重視,致使在政策執行上都有值得努力之處;而中國大陸的《海洋環境保護法》雖顯示中國政府已對海洋環境投入努力,但礙於國家重點在經濟之發展,對於發展過程中犧牲的海洋環境,該如何在經濟與環保中獲取平衡,是中國政府應深思的課題。


Marine biological resource is abundant with circulating and reproducible aspects. However, human being took advantage of the reproducibility of ocean and now we are suffering the bitterness from the overdevelopment, which has damaged the marine ecological balance. Many countries have begun making efforts on researches of marine resource protection. The most common problem that the entire global society faces today is how to find the solution to achieve the most development without damaging the marine’s ability of reproduction. Most countries and organizations have made international and regional laws on the issues of global marine environment and expect that everyone can support and obey them. This study adopts methods of literature review and comparison. We will first focus on the lawmaking of marine environmental protection and pollution control and then discuss the lawmaking trend in both Taiwan and China through United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Through comparison, we can learn the difference between the laws made by china, a member nation of international convention, and the laws made by Taiwan. We will be able to determine the standards of each environment pollution between cross-Straits based on the basis of law extracted from both international common law and international statutory law. While observing the cross-Straits marine environmental protection law, we learned that although the Marine Pollution Control Act in Taiwan has consulted to United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, our government does not have a complete mechanism to integrate the acts into government’s administration and legislature. In addition, not many people paid much attention to the marine protection department in Taiwan; thus there is so much more we can do on this matter. On the other hand, “The Marine Environmental Protection Law of the People’s S Republic of China” shows that Chinese government has been making a lot of efforts on the matter of marine environment. However, the country is focusing on their economic development right now and the matter of environmental protection has been compromised during the process of development. Chinese government should take a serious consideration on how to make a balance between economic development and environmental protection.


