  • 學位論文


A Study of Protestant Clergy's Work Roles, Tasks and Information Behavior

指導教授 : 林珊如


基督教神職人員與其他醫藥、法律、教學、工程等專業群體一般,需要具有聖經及神職工作的專門知識,以應用於神職工作的任務上。上帝的「呼召」為神職人員選擇從事神職工作的依據,因此,他們的工作不僅具有宗教的神聖性,同時也受到一般人對神職專業的要求,而必須負起教會的經營管理與輔導信徒的責任。 本研究主要目的在透過瞭解神職人員的養成過程,與其影響養成的因素,並進一步瞭解神職人員的工作角色與角色相關的任務,以及因工作任務而產生的資訊尋求行為,希望研究結果能對神職專業人員的養成訓練與資訊服務有所建樹。 根據上述研究目的,提出下列研究問題: 一、基督教神職人員的養成過程為何?影響其養成的因素有那些? 二、基督教神職人員在工作場域,扮演那些角色?與角色相關的任務為何? 三、為完成與角色相關的任務,基督教神職人員如何尋求資訊?資訊來源有那些?影響尋求資訊的因素為何? 四、基督教神職人員如何使用及傳播資訊?以完成工作任務。 本研究採質性取向,以深度訪談為蒐集資料的主要方式,選擇任職於大臺北地區中大型基督教會,且工作經驗資深的神職人員為研究對象。研究者共訪談七位任職於六所基督教會的神職人員,共蒐集七位受訪者的訪談資料及一位受訪者的著作。以神職人員的工作任務為資料分析的單位,進行資料的分析與歸類。 研究結果發現:一、神職人員的養成過程,可歸納出「進入神學院前的經歷」、「神學院的學習」、及「教會工作的經歷」等三個階段。其中以「教會工作的經歷」為其神職工作的主要養成階段。在該過程中,神職人員分別受到工作、環境、人際關係及個人等四方面的養成因素所影響;二、在工作角色與任務方面,神職人員在教會內外及個人場域中,分別扮演經營管理與行政者、發表者、教導者、關懷者、公共關係、學習者等六個工作角色。其任務包括規劃發展目標與策略、推動教會活動、講道、帶查經/教主日學、探訪、關懷輔導……等共十七項;三、神職人員為完成工作角色的相關任務,其尋求資訊的來源有六大類,分別為:人際資料(包含教會內與教會外)、會議資料及行政文件、文字資料(印刷式/網版式/手寫式,例如:書、雜誌、筆記)、影音資料(其他神職人員的講道錄音或影音)、個人知識(包括個人工作經驗、對教會情況的瞭解、對聖經經文的熟悉度)、聖靈啟示的想法與圖像等;四、神職人員透過人際之間的溝通互動、單向的口語講述、文字寫作等三種方式執行工作任務。其任務的結果,在經營管理與行政者角色方面,則是訂出教會發展目標及策略、促使教會活動及工作順利執行、決策工作提案、維持神職人員與信徒領袖間的和諧關係、瞭解工作情況。發表者角色的任務結果,則是寫作形成文章、書籍。教導者角色的任務結果,則有現場的口語講述、文字資料(文章、書籍)、影音資料及錄音資料;關懷者角色的任務結果,則是信徒得到關懷安慰,協助解決困難,或緩和衝突與改善關係;公共關係角色的任務結果,則是代表所屬單位與其他人士單位建立關係;學習者角色的任務結果,則是提昇工作能力,增加對特定主題的瞭解,掌握社會現況,並提昇靈性品格。 本研究根據上述發現針對基督教神學教育機構、資訊服務單位提出下列建議:一、教會實習工作的學習與範圍;二、人際溝通技巧與處理人際衝突能力的培養和訓練;三、專業經理人管理技能的培養;四、資訊服務單位的空間改造;五、專業資訊資源的通告服務;六、網路資源整合平臺;七、開設網路與資訊科技探討與應用課程。此外,對於未來研究,研究者建議應針對中小型基督教會的神職人員,進行相關的探討研究。至於神職人員應用網路資訊科技的議題,亦值得未來關注。


Clergy professionals of Protestant church, like many other professional groups, must constantly consume knowledge in order to perform their work tasks. Their work is precariously poised between the sacred ideals of "God's call" and the secular demands of professional career. The purpose of this study is to explore the process of clergy training and the relationship between work roles, associated tasks and information seeking behavior of clergy professionals in Christian church. Due to the reason above, four questions were investigated in this study: (1)What is the process of clergy training? And how many factors influenced their traning? (2)How many work roles and associated tasks do they take in their work place? (3)How many types of information sources do they pursue to fulfill their work tasks? (4)How many means do they use information to finish their work tasks? This study adopted the qualitative approach and used in-depth interview method to collect data. The interviewed objects are experienced Protestant clergy who was employed by megachurch and large church in Taipei. Seven clergy professionals participated in this study. The interview data of all participants and publication of one participant were collected in this study. Investigator analysed and organized these data by the unit of work task. The findings of this study were outlined as follows: (1)There are three stages in the process of clergy training. The first stage is the early nurture before theological education. The second stage is the religious training of theological college. The third stage is the practice of church work. Clergy professionals were mainly trained and affected by four dimensions in the third stage. These four dimensions are church work, the context of church, interpersonal relationship and self-study. (2)Clergy professionals performed six work roles and took seventeen associated tasks in their work place. These six work roles are administrator, publisher, teacher, care giver, public relations, and learner. (3)For the requirements of associated tasks, six types of information sources are sought in order to complete tasks. These sources include interpersonal information (such as colleagues), work documents, written materials (including paper copy, electronic text and manuscript), audio-visual materials, personal knowledge (such as experiences of the ministry), and revelation from God. (4)Clergy professionals apply interpersional communication, oral dissemination, and writing to perform their work tasks. According to the above findings, suggestions are proposed to the theological college and theological information providers. This study suggests that clergy professionals need more practices in the ministry, competencies of interpersonal communication and conflict treatment, and administrative skills. This study also suggests that theological information providers could rearrange space according to the task needs of clergy professionals, provide an announcement service of professional information, build a integrated platform of network resources, and offer the network program which is applicable to church work. Finally, this study suggests that future investigation should foucus on clergy professionals who are employed by medium church or small church, and the utilization of computer network technology of clergy professionals needs to be concerned as well.


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