  • 學位論文


The Work-Family Dilemma: A Study on the Family Time Investment and Marriage Quality

指導教授 : 蘇國賢


隨著工業發展及現代社會對於親密關係的逐漸重視,使得婚姻的功能,從過往以傳宗接代與經濟交換為主的工具性目的,逐漸轉變為以強調夫妻關係的情感性目的。在此脈絡下,夫妻彼此的相處對於婚姻品質的影響愈來愈重要。本研究從Becker的「婚姻特定資本」(marital -specific capital)理論觀點出發,將時間視為對家庭的一種「投資」,探討家庭時間投入與婚姻品質之關係,並了解其中的性別差異。此外,本研究進一步檢驗同質婚姻與家務分工對於婚姻品質的直接影響,與透過家庭時間投入產生的間接影響,藉此來釐清影響婚姻品質的不同社會情境脈絡。 本研究使用中央研究院「家庭動態資料庫」(Panel Study of Family Dynamics)的已婚樣本,以多元迴歸模型來進行實證分析。研究發現,相較於妻子對於家庭的時間投入,先生投入家庭的時間若比妻子更多,對於婚姻品質的主觀評估較低。且先生高於妻子的家庭時間投入對婚姻品質的負向影響,在教育程度為「男低女高」的婚配模式中更為顯著。但對於女性則為相反結果,妻子並不一定會因為投入時間比配偶更多而對婚姻品質感到不滿,也就是說,相對時間投入對於婚姻品質的影響,呈現性別上的不對稱性。女性的家務勞動投入對於婚姻品質有正面影響,但家務勞動與家庭時間投入的交互作用則呈現負向效果,顯示傳統家務分工上的不平等,只有在先生與妻子時間投入不對等時,才會對於婚姻品質產生負面作用。換句話說,不平等的家務分工在缺乏配偶的陪伴之下,才會產生負面的婚姻感受。本研究顯示,家庭時間投入是影響婚姻品質的一個重要因子,且相對時間的投入,比絕對時間的投入更為重要。且家務分工與同質婚配對是否影響婚姻品質,部分決定於夫妻雙方投入家庭的時間多寡而定,不一定有必然的關係。


With the increasing emphasis on intimacy, the functions of marriage have gradually been transformed from an emphasis on biological and economic needs to an emphasis on affection and emotional support. Under the influence of this institutional change, marriage quality is increasingly determined by the spousal relationships. Based on Gary Becker’s conceptualization of marital-specific capital, this study uses a measurement of “time spent at home” to explore the relationship between family time investment and marriage quality. Furthermore, it also investigates two important determinants of the marriage quality, namely, assortative mating and household division of domestic labor. The effects of these two factors appeared to be moderated by family time investment. . Using data taken from the Panel Study of Family Dynamics, this study uses OLS regression to assess several hypotheses related to family time investment. The results indicate that men who invest relatively more time at home than their spouse are more likely to feel dissatisfied with their spouse. Furthermore, the negative relationship between relative time investment and marriage quality is amplified when the husband’s educational level is lower than his spouse. However, the result is opposite for the female, showing a gender asymmetry. Not only household division of domestic labor and assortative mating have direct main effects on marriage quality, the effects are moderated by family time investment. More specifically, unequal housework division of labor is particularly likely to lead to negative feeling when the spouse is always absent. These results suggest that family time investment is an important determinant and a moderator of marriage quality.


陳婉琪、吳慧靖,2011,〈女性就業與離婚風險〉。《人口學刊》42: 81-114。
