  • 學位論文


The Political Economy of Political Talk Show in Taiwan,1993-2013

指導教授 : 蕭全政


臺灣媒體發展與民主化進程關係密切,自1993年開放有線電視後,政論談話性節目(Political Talk Show,政論節目)成為電視節目主流類型。政論節目經常被期待達成「公共論壇」功能,但又長期遭批評為「社會亂源」。 本研究從偏差(bias)的角度觀察政論節目。將臺灣政論節目之發展分為反抗壟斷期、藍綠對抗期、揭弊爆料期和類戲劇期,將影響政論節目之因素分為組織因素、組織外部因素和意識形態因素,進行交叉分析。 透過縱向歷史分期及橫向的三個因素分析,本研究發現,政論節目可上升為該媒體集團之社論地位,其走向是反映當時政治經濟因素影響下的一種表現型態,所有形式是反映不同時期各行為者追求利益極大化或資源利用極佳化,係基於政經脈絡下偏差的呈現。 各媒體及其節目之間的競爭,並非單純收視率競爭,而是媒體集團整體利益之一環。甚而在影視產業全球化之發展趨勢下,電視台逐漸加深對政論節目之控制力,包括節目內容及其存廢。 本研究發現:一、所謂政論節目公共辯論空間只是預設立場的想像;二、政論節目實為劇場與閉鎖的表態空間;三、全球化正導致媒體集團去政治化傾向。


There is a close relationship between Taiwanese media development and democratic progress. The Political Talk Show became the main stream within the TV programs from the open of Cable TV channels since 1993. The Political Talk Show always was expected to reach the function of Public forum, however it was criticized to become the social chaos for a long time. This dissertation observes the Political Talk Show from the bias view points. It parted the development of Taiwanese Political Talk Show into the rebel against monopoly period, the resist between blue and green party period, the disclosure period and the drama-like period. This dissertation analyzes the factors which influence Political Talk Show from within the organization, outside organizational issues and ideology. From the longitudinal historical study and cross sectional research of factors, this research found the Political Talk Show can raise to editorial status of the media group. Its trend was to reflect the influence of political and economic factor at that time. Those forms of expression were to reflect the benefit-maximization and the optimization of resource-usage from doers during different periods of time. The competition among medias and programs are not only simply to compete with audience rating, but also a part of entire advantages for the media group. Even within the tendency toward globalization of audiovisual industry, the television stations still reinforce the controlling power via the content and abolishment of programs. The dissertation proposes the following viewpoints. First, the Political Talk Show as the public debate space was only imagination of presumption. Secondly, the Political Talk Show was a theatrical and closed declaration space. Finally, globalization is going to cause the trend of non-politicization for the media groups.




